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“Please tell me. Let me fix it.”

I shook my head, heart slamming into my ribs. No no. He had it all wrong. “I’m broken. That’s all.”

“Who told you that?”

“The whole world,” I whispered. “I don’t fit.”

He breathed a low laugh. “Then I’ll break the world until it fits you.”

“It’s impossible,” I told him.

“That’s all this pack is: impossible fragments left behind. Just as impossible as you fixing us when no one else could.” He cupped my cheek, yellow eyes a storm of momentary hope. “If there’s one thing Icanpromise you, Shatter, it’s the impossible.”

I stared at him and his promise lodged, like an anchor and chain crashing into the ocean bed, refusing to move; it was as foolish as it was tempting.

I’d never wanted so badly to speak my truth out loud, but I stalled, knowing it wasn’t a mistake I could afford to make. If Dusk knew the only bond he could ever offer me was a dark bond, that might push him to it. No matter how much I wanted it not to be true…

“Ransom’s going to wake soon,reallywake. That changes everything. You’ll love him, I know it. He’ll love you—already does. I can feel it?—”

He cut off as I flinched back, panic closing like a fist around my throat.

Dusk’s face fell, as if he knew he’d crossed a line. A strange silence passed as I found no words to that, mind racing out of control. After a long moment, he sighed and rubbed his chin.

“Roxy wants to see you,” he said quietly, glancing down at his phone on the coffee table.

“Roxy?” My heart lifted slightly at the idea of seeing her. I could really use a friend right now.

“She texted me. Said to let her know when you’re free, and classes just finished.”

“A study session?”


My hopes tumbled off a cliff, though. “But… Ransom?—”

“You bit him. You’ll know if there’s anything really wrong.”

That was true. And I really could use a friend this afternoon. “Okay…”

I nodded. Yes.

It was a good plan. Everything was a lot right now. I needed some space to catch up and figure out what the hell was going on now the hormones were dying down.

Roxy met me in our usual study room, arriving with all the Omega Studies course material for the week.

We sifted through it for a while, and she caught me up on the coursework until I wasn’t worried anymore. I made mental notes of the chapters I needed to reread to refresh what I’d missed—though I’d devoured the textbooks front to back already.

While we worked, I pondered theotherthing. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I had to find a way to talk to her about the Lincoln pack issue. The offer Flynn had made… it affected her.

The only issue was that I didn’t know how to go about that without discussing the scent match thing. And if I didn’t mention the scent match thing, would she be suspicious of why the Lincoln pack were interested in me?

I mean, it was me. Of course she would. There was no reason for them to be interested in me outside of that—Eric’s comment had made that painfully clear.

But how much could I trust her with?

“I missed you,” Roxy said, after I’d finished reading through her notes.

“You did?” I glanced up at her in surprise, a burst of warmth blossoming in my chest at her words.
