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A dark bond.

My mind went blank, terror constricting my heart, another whine in my chest.

I wanted Dusk.

Eric groaned, yanking me forward and choking me harder, as my body seized with fear.

I wanted Dusk.

I almost broke then, tears nearly flooding my cheeks.

I wanted Umbra’s huge arms wrapping me tight.

To feel Ransom at my back, purring as he slept.

But I’d left them.

I’d run.

I don’t know what happened or how much time had passed, but the teeth remained, the threat of a bite violently shaking me to the soul.


It… it wasn’t complete. I held onto that as I felt the warm trickle of blood down my back.

Then Eric pulled back, and Flynn’s teeth were gone. I didn’t have time to catch my breath as Eric groaned again, finishing.

I was going to throw up. With fear. Disgust. I didn’t know.

A hand clamped over my mouth and nose.

“Swallow, little stalker. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? A taste of us?”

Once more, I shoved back tears as I did what he asked.

It was over.

I’d done what they wanted.


“She’s fucking terrified.” I could hear the laughter in Gareth’s voice as he dragged me to my feet. “Why?” His grip was painful on my arm. I wasn’t steady. I saw Flynn picking himself up out of the corner of my eye and cringed away. “You didn’t think he was actually going to bond a freak like you, did you?” Gareth shook me, forcing me up to look at him. I… I had to give him what he wanted so he’d let me go. I tried to shake my head through his grip.

“Why did biting you feelthatgood?” Flynn asked, and there was fleck of red on his lips. I hated the way his gaze was fixed on me. The way his pupils were blown.

The scents in the air were wrong now, and I had to remind myself he hadn’t completed any bond. It had just been a threat…

“Because she’s obsessed with us?” Gareth had me by the arm and was dragging me to the bed. “Think it makes omegas taste sweeter?”

A low whine rose from my throat. “W-wait. I did what you wanted?—”

Gareth laughed as he shoved me onto the blankets.

I threw myself against his grip in terror. “You can’t?—”

“Get a grip slut. You think we’d fuck you?” Gareth asked as he pinned me. “After you had a heat with them?”

My breathing was rapid as he pinned me down.
