Page 16 of Moore Than Expected

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“Aiden and I…” I started to say and met her kind gaze. “We slept together,” I blurted, then I watched my sister’s eyes widen with surprise. Just as quickly as it flashed, she pretended to be cool.

“Okay… you two… wow… was it, you know…”

“What?” I blinked.

“Consensual?” she asked quietly, and now I was the one looking shocked.

“Of course!” I gasped. “Oh my god! Of course, it was!”

“Okay! Okay, that’s good. It’s just, with you being so secretive and sad… never mind. So… you two hooked up and…” She paused, and I sighed.

“And he hasn’t called or texted or anything,” I muttered, hating how stupid I sounded. Who cared if he hadn’t called in a week? Who cared if we had just spent every waking and sleeping moment for half a year and… and I missed the sound of his voice?

Who was I kidding?

I missed more than the sound of his voice. I missed everything that made Aiden Moore.

“Maybe he’s been busy?” she suggested. I shot her a look. How many times had I heard each and every single one of my sisters go on and on about how if a man wanted to, he would?

Then again, most of the men my sisters had settled down with were older.

“Aiden loves you. He wouldn’t just ghost you. Not after everything you two have been through,” she wisely pointed out. I had been telling myself the same thing. But with every passing day, I had started to second-guess myself.

“I love him,” I said out loud, and she smiled warmly.

“I know,” she whispered.

“No.” I shook my head. “I mean, I love him. I’m in love with him. Like the kind of love where you want to spend the rest of your life with that person.”

My sister’s hand squeezed mine again, and with a brighter smile on her face, she repeated. “I know.” But something flashed in her eyes, and she bit her lower lip. “I know you love him. Like more than friends, but sometimes… sometimes timing is everything.”

I knew where this conversation was going to head.

Sara had tried to give me the same speech in her own way during Thanksgiving, but I hadn’t shared anything with her. “Fabi, please, not right now.”

“Okay.” She glanced at the diner. “I’m not going to tell you that when it comes to love, timing is everything.”

“Thank you.” My lips twitched because I had a feeling she was full of it. But the problem was that Fabiola was the sweet quiet one, and because of it, she could get away with doing just that.

“And I’m not going to tell you that I think Aiden is just as head over heels in love with you as you are about him.” That little tidbit had been unexpected. My eyes rose and connected with hers, giving her my full attention.

“You do?” I asked, and she nodded.

“And I’m also not going to remind you of how young the two of you are.”

“I’m almost twenty,” I mumbled, and she giggled.

“I know. I still can’t believe my baby sister is entering her second decade.” I rolled my eyes.

I could bet big money all my sisters still saw me like some eight-year-old with a bad Dora the Explorer haircut.

“You have your whole life ahead of you. You don’t have to make big choices yet.”


“And I’m no one to talk. I wasn’t that much older when I met Rowdy.” I smiled at my brother-in-law’s name. “Love happens when it does, but sometimes…”

“What?” I asked.
