Page 78 of The Trolley Kiss

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“Shut up,” Declan breathes out, grabbing my head and slamming his mouth against mine.

He wraps his arms around my back, pulling me in close. I thread my fingers up in his hair before he lifts me up on the counter, stepping between my legs and exploring my mouth with his tongue. His hands begin running up my thighs, and I pull away. “Wait!”

“Absolutely not,” he pants against my mouth before kissing up my neck.

I laugh as he nibbles on my ear. “It’ll be quick.”

“Fine. Talk,” he grits out between his teeth as he rubs his thumb between my legs on top of my leggings.

I push him back, letting him know I mean business. He sighs, smiling at me as he waits for me to continue. I clear my throat. “I want to change the rules.”

“I’m listening.”

“Only one promise allowed. That we’ll always be honest with each other. I know you’re going to make mistakes and hurt me. I know I’m going to make mistakes and hurt you. Just promise, no lies.”

He smiles at me, and there’s so much love in his eyes. I almost don’t even know how to process it. I’m putting it all out there. Everything that I’m embarrassed and ashamed about, and he has to look at me like this?


That’s all he says. I bite my lip, shaking my head in a blissful disbelief. He joins me until we’re both staring at each other like a couple of crazy smiling psychopaths. “Okay!” I laugh, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him back to me.

I’m going to fuck this man so hard.


One Week Later

“Are you ready?” I ask Declan before we ring the doorbell at Samantha’s house.

He cocks an eyebrow. “I thought you said this was a game night. What am I getting ready for exactly?”

I shove his arm. “Well, first of all. It’s game night on the weekend. Not a Thursday.” I pause and turn to face the door. “Besides, it’s also your hard launch.”

“My what?” he asks with a laugh, already knowing he doesn’t want to hear the answer. I give him one anyway.

“Your hard launch as my boyfriend,” I say as I ring the bell.

He grabs a handful of ass, leaning in close. “Well then, I better be on my best behavior. I didn’t realize I was going to become a spaceship today.”

I shake my head with a laugh as Sam opens the front door. I don’t know what the future holds for me and Declan or where my journey of healing will lead me, but right now, right now I’m happy. And that’s enough for me.

The End
