Page 23 of The Forever Gift

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‘Bad fall?’ Mam asks.

‘Nah,’ I shake my head. ‘More annoyed that I fell just before I scored the winning basket.’

‘Ha, cocky much,’ Aiden tries to joke, reminding me he was on the opposing team but no one laughs and he blushes.

‘Right, missy,’ Mam smiles again and her eyes glass over more. It’s as if every time she tries to pretend to be cool and happy she really wants to cry. ‘Let’s get going.’

‘Okay,’ I say, slowly swinging my legs from using the couch like a bed to sitting upright like usual.

‘Your dad will carry you to the car, okay?’ Mam says.

‘Dad!’ I screech, realising by everyone’s faces that my reaction was way too dramatic, but seriously… ‘What is Dad doing here?’

‘Hey, love,’ Dad says.

‘Heeeeyyy.’ I blush, turning much quieter as he comes into view.

‘C’mon.’ His voice is so deep and calm and normal. Not like Mam’s at all. ‘Let’s get you into the car.’

Dad nods as he brushes past Mary and I realise this must be mega awkward for them ’cos they’ve never actually met before. Dad stands in front of me and bends.

‘Okay, wrap your arms around my neck and I’m going to lift you,’ he says.

‘Seriously?’ I pull a face.

‘Seriously,’ Dad replies.

‘Okay. Fine. Whatever.’

I slide my arms around Dad’s shoulders and he slides his arms under me and there’s no count to three or anything; he just lifts me into the air and I kinda slide down his arms until I’m pressed against his chest and I can smell the familiar aftershave I really like, the one that’s all herbal and spicy, and I start crying. I’ve no idea why. It’s so bloody embarrassing and I try to keep it under control so it’s just tears running down my face and stuff, no actual sobbing, but I really want Dad to hurry and carry me out to the car before Aiden or Mary notice.

‘You’re okay, Kay,’ Dad says, noticing. ‘I have you.’

What the hell, Dad? Are you trying to make it worse?I think, his comforting words making it so much harder to keep it together.

‘We’ll call you,’ Mam says as Dad carries me out the door. ‘And, thanks again, Mary. Thanks, Aiden.’

‘Bottom button,’ Dad says as Mam holds the car keys in her hands, pointing them at the driver’s door without anything happening. ‘Double click,’ Dad explains.

Dad’s Audi plays a celebratory melody when Mam finally presses the right button and I wonder what it must be like for Molly to sit in a car this posh every day to go to school. And then I wonder what it must be like for Dad to love two kids leading such different lives.



‘Will we get a takeaway?’ Mam asks, as Dad drives out of Aiden’s estate and turn towards town. ‘There’s a fab pizza place on the main street, isn’t there, Kayla?’

‘Yeah, it’s fine,’ I say, wondering when one of them is going to tell me what on earth is going on.

‘Or Chinese,’ Mam says. ‘Do you still like Chinese, Gavin?’

Mam doesn’t give Dad time to answer before she rambles on. ‘I have their number.’ She roots in her handbag and pulls out her mobile. ‘I can call our order ahead and it’ll be ready to pick up in ten minutes.’

‘Anything is fine,’ Dad says. ‘I’m not really that hungry.’

Mam slides her phone back into her bag. ‘Oh, well, maybe I could just make us some sandwiches back at the house?—’

‘Okay,’ I say, folding my arms and sitting a little straighter. ‘What is going on? This is way too weird. Why is Dad here? Why are you two together? And if we’re getting pizza now, why didn’t we just stay and have pizza at Aiden’s?’
