Page 32 of The Forever Gift

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‘Right,’ the doctor says, standing up as he looks at his watch. ‘I’d best be off. My lunch break was over ten minutes ago.’

‘You’re on your break?’ I ask.

‘I was,’ he smiles. ‘I should be back downstairs by now, but I was enjoying talking about my glory days so much.’

‘Will you be back later?’ Kayla asks.

He nods. ‘I will. I’m going to check up on those bloods of yours, see what they tell us. I already know you’re an amazing basketball player, let’s see what else I can find out.’

‘Thank you,’ I say.

I can’t quite believe he sat with us when he should have been enjoying lunch with his colleagues in the canteen. And I realise that it isn’t what Doctor Patterson does with a stethoscope or blood pressure monitor that makes him a great doctor; it’s how at ease he puts his patients.He’s such a lovely person, I swoon, blushing when I realise I’m staring at him and his gorgeous hazel eyes.

‘Bye, Kayla,’ he says, winking. ‘Take care of your mam and I’ll see you both later.’

‘Byeeee.’ Kayla grins. ‘See you later.’

‘Goodbye, Heather,’ he says, placing his hand gently on my shoulder.



‘Oh my God.’ Kayla laughs as soon as the doctor walks out. ‘Could you have made that any more obvious?’

‘Made what obvious?’ I ask, knowing exactly where Kayla is going with this. I will my embarrassed cheeks to cool down. My face is actually stinging.

‘Can’t say I blame you.’ Kayla smirks. ‘I mean he is actually gorgeous, isn’t he?’

‘Kayla,’ I say, pretending to be shocked.

‘Oh c’mon. I saw the way you looked at him.’

‘I looked at him like he’s your doctor and I appreciate his time,’ I nod. ‘That’s all.’

‘Oh. My. God. You’re so full of it.’ Kayla is laughing so hard she snorts, which makes her laugh even harder. It’s quite hard to keep a straight face. ‘You looked at him like you fancy the pants off him. You do, don’t you?’

‘Kayla,’ I say.

‘Ah, c’mon, Mam. Admit it. You’ve a thing for my doctor.’

‘He’s a good-looking guy, yes, but?—’

‘But nothing. He’s hot and you fancy him. Wow. I’ve never really seen you fancy someone before,’ Kayla says, and I pull a face realising she’s right and I wonder if that’s a good thing or if it’s a little depressing. ‘You know your face went super red when you were talking to him, right?’ Kayla tells me.

‘It’s hot in here,’ I say.

‘Yeah. Hot like Doctor Hot.’ Kayla crosses her hands across her heart and pouts her lips dramatically.

‘Okay. That’s enough now,’ I say, my face stinging more than ever.

‘Ah, Mam,’ Kayla says, sounding disappointed. ‘I’m only having a laugh.’

‘I know, sweetheart.’ I smile. ‘I know.

I walk towards the window, wishing it opened so I could get some fresh air. But I take a deep breath anyway and the unnatural smell of hospital fills my lungs.

I turn around and look at Kayla. She’s sitting cross-legged on the bed with a monster grin on her face and her eyes are sparkling with giddiness. She doesn’t look sick at all. She just looks like Kayla. My beautiful Kayla full of fun and life and silliness. It’s hard to believe there’s a disease inside her trying to cause so much damage.
