Page 33 of The Forever Gift

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‘Where did you put that lollipop?’ I ask. ‘We don’t want it to get stuck in your hair.’

I flinch, as Kayla runs her hand over her hair and I wonder if she’s thinking about when she might lose it. Because it’s what I’m thinking about. I really need to learn to watch what I say.God, this is hard.

‘It was gross and all sticky so I wrapped it in some paper and Doctor Patterson put it in the bin for me.’

‘He did?’

‘Yeah.’ Kayla narrows her eyes. ‘Didn’t you notice? The bin was right behind you.’

I shake my head, feeling so overwhelmed.

‘So, are you going to ask him out?’ Kayla asks.

‘What?’ My eyes shoot wide open. ‘No. God. No.’

‘Why not?’ Kayla says. ‘Don’t be nervous.’

‘I’m not nervous. He’s your doctor.’

‘Yeah, and?—’

‘And it would be highly inappropriate,’ I say. ‘Okay, seriously, can we please talk about something else?’

Kayla folds her arms. ‘Fine. But I think you’re being a big chicken.’

‘You’re entitled to your opinion, but?—’

There’s a gentle knock on the door and it creaks open slowly. ‘Sorry,’ Doctor Patterson says, appearing in the gap. ‘I forgot my phone.’

I glance at the chair he’d been sitting in and his phone is resting in the middle, face down. An awkward silence falls over us as I stare at Kayla and hope to God he didn’t over hear us.

He takes the phone, stuffs it into an inside pocket on his pristine white coat and smiles. ‘You’ve gone very quiet suddenly, Kayla,’ he says. ‘Is everything alright?’

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I hold my breath, praying Kayla doesn’t think it’s funny to say something.

‘Yeah. I’m okay,’ Kayla says. ‘Are we allowed phones in here? There’s a sign in the corridor that says no phones, so I wasn’t sure.’

‘A sign that everybody ignores,’ he says. ‘Of course you can talk to your friends, Kayla. You’d crack up in this place otherwise, wouldn’t you?’

Kayla nods.

‘Do you want to call Aiden back?’ I say.

Kayla nods again.

‘Okay,’ I say. ‘I’ll give you some space. I’ll go call your father and get the jammies and chocolate out of the car while you’re busy.’

‘Actually, Heather,’ Doctor Patterson says. ‘Would you mind if I grabbed a quick word before you jump on the phone.’

‘Sure,’ I say.

‘In the corridor,’ he adds, tilting his head towards the door.

I take a deep breath, terrified that whatever Doctor Patterson has to say, he doesn’t want to say in front of Kayla. I don’t think I can cope with much more bad news.

‘I’ll be right outside,’ I reassure Kayla, as Doctor Patterson takes a step back to allow me to pass out the door and into the corridor first.

‘Um-hmm,’ Kayla nods, her attention already passed over to her phone screen.
