Page 46 of The Forever Gift

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‘No,’ Charlotte says stiffly.

I stuff some muffin into my mouth and wonder why I’m the only one eating, since this whole middle-of-the-night muffin binge was Charlotte’s idea.

‘The school called today,’ Charlotte says, lifting her cup to her lips.

‘Molly’s school?’ I say, realising these muffins are a little too dry as they stick to my teeth.

‘Um-hmm.’ Charlotte takes a mouthful of tea. ‘Apparently some boy in her class has been teasing her about Kayla.’

‘About Kayla,’ I say.

‘Yeah,’ Charlotte says. ‘This kid is a little brat at the best of times, he’s hit Molly with Lego bricks and pushed her before, but this is a new low.’

‘What did he say?’ I ask.

Charlotte lowers her cup, and I don’t miss the tears that smear across her eyes. ‘Nothing. Nothing in particular. Just, he’s a nasty little boy. And if he thinks Molly is upset he’ll use it against her.’

I know Charlotte is lying. It’s the same kind of lie I told Kayla the other day when she asked if everything would be okay and I answered with an unequivocalyes.

‘You’re worried that if Molly visits Kayla she will believe whatever nonsense this little boy is saying?’ I say, realising.

Charlotte nods.

I nod too. I look at the muffin on my plate. The thought of another bite makes me feel sick.

‘Does Molly know?’ I ask. ‘About how sick Kayla really is.’

‘She’s four,’ Charlotte says.

‘But she knows Kayla is in hospital,’ I say. ‘She told me. Just now.’

‘She doesn’t even know what a hospital is.’ Charlotte slices into her muffin and her knife scratches against the plate with a frustrated squeak.

A shiver runs down my spine.

‘Kayla has been asking to see her,’ I say.

Charlotte nods. ‘I know.’

‘Gavin told you,’ I say.

‘Yes. He did.’


Charlotte shrugs. ‘What would you do?’ she says. ‘If you were me. If the shoe was on the other foot. What would you do?’

I pick up my coffee and the warm, familiar smell comforts me. ‘Honestly?’ I say, before taking a long, dramatic sip. ‘I have no idea.’

Charlotte sighs.

‘But,’ I continue, lowering the cup and stuffing another huge chunk of muffin into my mouth realising it’s the first time I’ve eating since morning. ‘We’re thinking about this like adults. Like mothers. And we’re both just trying to protect our child as best we can.’

‘Yes. Exactly.’ Charlotte’s eyes soften. ‘We are.’

‘Kayla and Molly are just kids,’ I say. ‘Kids who want to see each other. I think we’d probably feel differently if we thought about it from their side.’

‘Yeah,’ Charlotte says, taking a bite of her muffin for the first time. ‘That’s what Gavin said. They’re sisters.’
