Page 47 of The Forever Gift

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‘They are,’ I say.

‘Oh. My. God,’ Charlotte says with wide eyes and a mouth full of muffin. ‘This is delicious. I mean, actually amazing.’

‘Thank you.’ I smile.

Charlotte takes another bite. And another.

‘Molly isn’t going to school tomorrow.’ Charlotte shrugs, chewing. ‘She is going to see her sister after her operation.’

‘Thank you. I know this isn’t easy for you, Charlotte, but I just…’ I begin, but Charlotte shakes her head and I close my mouth.

‘This is about Kayla and Molly,’ Charlotte says, polishing off the muffin. ‘Sisters. That’s all. I’m not doing this for Gavin. Or for you. Or even for me. It’s for the girls.’

‘As it should be,’ I say, looking at Charlotte’s empty plate. ‘And, do you want another muffin?’

‘Yes.’ Charlotte nods. ‘Yes. I do.’



I open the door and press the button on Molly’s car seat.

‘She can do that herself now,’ Gavin says. ‘Can’t you Molly?’

‘Um-hmm.’ Molly grins, proudly.

‘Really?’ I say, wondering how Gavin can think it’s a good idea to teach Molly to unbuckle herself. What if she does it while I’m driving?

‘I don’t think Mammy knows how grown-up you are getting, Molly,’ Gavin says.

My tummy somersaults. I know Gavin is trying to keep the atmosphere light but Molly is little more than a baby.My baby.Gavin’s phone rings as I lift Molly out of the car.

‘We’ve had to park in the overflow car park. Where is Kayla?’ Gavin asks. ‘Okay. We’ll be up in a minute.’

‘Where are they?’ I ask, my palms staring to sweat. ‘Molly, don’t run off. There are cars reversing. You need to be careful.’

Molly pulls a face. ‘I was just checking where the hostable is,’ she tells me with her hands on her hips.

‘Kayla is back on the ward, and doing well,’ Gavin says.

‘Oh thank God for that.’ I exhale, realising I’ve been holding my breath. ‘Let’s get going.’

I reach for Molly’s hand and she skips along happily beside me.

‘Clip-clop. Clip-clop,’ she says, copying the noise of my wedges hitting the ground.

‘Molly, stop that, please,’ I say. ‘I can’t hear myself think.’

‘Clip-clop. Clip-clop,’ Molly whispers. ‘Clip-clop. Clip-clop.’

‘Molly, for goodness’ sake,’ I snap, my head pounding. ‘I said stop it.’

Molly’s eyes cloud over and her bottom lip quivers. I feel awful.

‘I’m sorry, sweetheart,’ I say, coming to a standstill so I can bend down and hug her. ‘I didn’t mean to upset you. I just need you to be a very good girl today. Okay?’

‘I am a good girl,’ Molly says.
