Page 66 of The Forever Gift

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‘Thank you,’ I say. ‘I’ll try to remember that.’

‘Well, best get back to work,’ she says squeezing my hands once more, which I wish she hadn’t as my palms are too sweaty, and it’s a little disgusting. ‘It was lovely meeting you.’

‘Yeah. You too,’ I say.

I reluctantly put one foot in front of the other as I walk towards Kayla’s room further down the corridor. I can hear familiar voices and laughter as I get closer. The sinking feeling eases and I allow myself to consider that I overreacted to Jack’s call. Maybe he just wanted to go over Kayla’s notes or give me an update or something. I’ve really got to stop thinking the worst all the time or, as the nurse said, Kayla will pick up on it.

‘Hey, Mam,’ Kayla says, sitting up in bed when I walk into her room.

‘Hey, you,’ I say.

‘You were ages. Everything okay?’

‘Yes. Yes. Just a silly muffin crisis. Hello, Jack,’ I say, assuming the white coat sitting on the edge of Kayla’s bed is Doctor Patterson.

‘Hi, Heather,’ he replies, too busy checking Kayla’s leg to turn around.

‘Hello, Aiden,’ I add.

Aiden steps aside so I can pass by and get closer to Kayla. I drop my bag onto the chair next to her bed and lean over her to kiss her forehead, as seems to have become habit every time I enter or leave her room.

‘Did you get some time to chat?’ I ask, looking at Kayla and then Aiden.

‘Yeah. Yes we did,’ Kayla says. ‘It’s been good.’

I smile. My eyes are on Aiden. He’s unusually quiet and he’s pale. As pale as some of the kids on the ward.

‘That’s good. I’m glad you had a chance to catch up—’ my breath catches in the back of my throat as I catch a glimpse of patches of bright red on Kayla’s bandages that weren’t there earlier. I point. ‘Jesus Christ, what’s happened?’

‘Mam, don’t freak out,’ Kayla says.

More bloodied bandages are thrown in a kidney dish on Kayla’s bed and Jack is sitting next to them wrapping fresh, white bandages around Kayla’s knee.

‘Kayla had a dizzy spell in the games room. She took a little tumble,’ Jack says.

‘Is she okay?’ I search Jack’s face for an answer but he’s not looking at me. My gaze moves to Kayla. ‘Are you okay?’

‘She’s absolutely fine,’ Jack says. ‘These things happen. They’re not ideal, and we’re going to be more careful to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Aren’t we, Kayla?’

Kayla nods.

‘But it’s really nothing to get upset or worried about, Heather,’ Jack continues. ‘There’s no damage and we’d be changing the bandages soon anyway.’

‘Is this why you were calling me?’ I ask.

‘Yes.’ Jack smiles. ‘I thought Kayla could use a cuddle. She’s been very brave.’

‘Or very stupid,’ I snap. ‘Kayla what on earth were you thinking? If you’re dizzy you know you shouldn’t get out of bed. How many times can we go over this?’

‘I was bored.’ Kayla folds her arms and narrows her eyes. ‘It’s boring in here. It’s not a crime to want a change of scene.’

‘Aiden, what were you thinking dragging her around the hospital like that? She’s not well. How can you not understand that?’

‘I- I- I’m sorry,’ Aiden splutters.

‘It’s not Aiden’s fault,’ Kayla says. ‘The games room was my idea.’

I look over at the wall. Kayla’s crutch is in exactly the same place as it was when I went downstairs earlier. ‘Did you even think to bring it with you?’
