Page 72 of The Forever Gift

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I pull my phone out of my pocket and hit call on Gavin’s number as I make my way into the kitchen.

‘Hey you,’ my husband’s voice says after a single ring.

‘That was quick,’ I say.

‘I had my phone in my hand reading a text as your call came in.’

I’m comforted and calmer just hearing Gavin’s voice. ‘I’m just about to open some red and get a start on dinner. How do fajitas sound?’

‘Eh. Maybe just make something for yourself and Molly,’ Gavin says. ‘I’ll get take away later.’

‘What? Where are you?’ I ask. ‘I thought you’d be on the way home by now.’

‘I was. But Heather called. Kayla had a fall today.’

‘I know. Poor thing.’

‘Heather asked me to come in,’ Gavin says.

‘Oh. Is Kayla awake?’

Gavin pauses, and I guess he’s picked up on the surprise in my voice.

‘Molly and I were at the hospital earlier but Kayla was asleep.’

‘Ah, that’s a pity,’ Gavin sighs. ‘Kayla will be disappointed she missed Molly.’

‘Molly was disappointed too,’ I say. ‘I had to bribe her with a lollipop.’

Gavin chuckles. ‘Molly’s answer to most things is sugar.’

‘If Kayla is still asleep why are you going in? Would it not be better to wait until the morning when she actually knows you’re there?’

‘I think Heather could do with the support, to be honest,’ Gavin says. ‘She sounds completely worn out.’

I stop talking.I could do with the support.I’m completely worn out.I’ve barely seen Gavin in weeks. Molly hasn’t seen him at all becausehe’s gone in the morning before she wakes up and she’s in bed again before he makes it home.

‘Charlie, you there?’ Gavin says.

‘Yeah,’ I say.

‘So, I’ll see you later, okay?’


‘Love you,’ Gavin whispers.

I hang up and slam my phone down on the kitchen counter. I grab a glass out of the cupboard and unscrew the lid on the wine and pour until it’s nearly flowing over the top of the glass. I guzzle a huge mouthful, followed by another and another. The glass drained, I set it on the counter and decide I better get on with making dinner before I pour any more or I’ll be pissed. I’m already light-headed.

I open the fridge and I’m just pulling out the vegetable crisper when there’s a thud in the sitting room followed by a high-pitched squeal and crying, and I hurry in to find that Molly has rolled off the couch.



I turn my key in the lock, but the door doesn’t budge. Wiggling it doesn’t help much, and I’m afraid if I twist too hard the key will snap. I step down from the doorstep and sweep my eyes over the house. Everything is still and there are no lights on downstairs. There’s light on the landing but the bedrooms are all in darkness.

I really don’t want to ring the doorbell and wake Charlotte or Molly. I pull my key out of the door and I’m considering sleeping in my car when the door rattles from the inside and slowly creaks open.
