Page 73 of The Forever Gift

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‘You’re home,’ Charlotte says, as she swings the door back. ‘Oh.’ Her face falls and she pulls her already closed dressing gown a little tighter across her chest. ‘It’s you.’

My cheeks sting. I was already embarrassed, assuming I’ve woken her, but she makes her disappointment that I’m not Gavin so obvious, I’m not really sure what to say.

‘Sorry. I hope I didn’t wake you. I couldn’t get my key to work.’

Charlotte shakes her head, but her eyes are sleepy and even if she wasn’t upstairs in bed, I’ve clearly disturbed her from napping on the couch or something.

‘You have a key?’ she says.

‘Gavin gave it to me a couple of days ago. Didn’t he tell you?’ I say, wishing I hadn’t brought it up because clearly he’s forgotten to mention it and Charlotte is pissed off. I wonder if I should offer to give it back to her. I don’t really need a key; I’m never here unless either Gavin or Charlotte are home.

We both look up at the sky when a loud clatter of thunder rumbles overhead.

‘How’s Kayla?’ Charlotte asks, moving aside to let me in as an angry sky warns us it’s about to rain.

‘Not great,’ I say, shivering as the night wind clings to my bones. I wish I had a heavier coat than the leather biker jacket I grabbed when I left Cork in a panic.

‘Oh.’ Charlotte seems surprised; I thought she understood earlier that Kayla wasn’t well today.

‘She was awake and talking to Gavin when I left, but she didn’t touch her dinner and I know by her face she’s in pain even if she’s too stubborn to admit it.’

Charlotte shakes her head and her eyes round. ‘You know, Molly and I had fajitas tonight. There’re leftovers in the fridge.’

My tummy growls at the mere mention of food.

‘They’re vegan, of course,’ Charlotte warns, nodding firmly. ‘It’s a new recipe I got online, but you’re welcome to them.’ She twitches, unsure. ‘If you’re hungry, that is.’

‘Really?’ I say. ‘That would be great. I’m starving.’

‘Didn’t you get something to eat at the hospital?’ she asks.

I shake my head. ‘Didn’t really get the chance. I was in the canteen earlier, but I was so busy with muffins and the manager from hell – I just, sort of forgot… and then Kayla fell and…’

‘What’s the manager’s problem?’ Charlotte asks, switching places with me as I step inside.

‘Ugh, long story,’ I say, not wanting to get into it.

Charlotte stands on the doorstep for a couple of seconds, turning her head left and right and left again. A second clap of thunder, louder and angrier than the first, shakes the sky and Charlotte jumps.

‘Um, is everything okay?’ I ask.

‘Where are you parked?’ Charlotte asks, oddly.

‘Erm…’ I point, towards the opening of the cul-de-sac. ‘Around the corner. Is that a problem? I can move.’

‘No, no, no. Everything is fine.’

‘Ooo-kay,’ I say.

Charlotte is so odd,I think.Gavin’s mother must love her.

After a weird amount of time when I’m not sure if I should head into the kitchen and pop fajitas in the microwave or wait for Charlotte to lead the way, she finally closes the door with a ferocious bang. I cock my ear and listen for Molly upstairs. She doesn’t stir, and I don’t realise I’m holding my breath until Charlotte is right beside me in the hall.

‘Fajitas.’ She clicks her fingers, and even though this is her house she’s somehow inadvertently let me know she feels as weird as I do.

‘Thank you,’ I say, following her into the kitchen.

I pull out a chair from the table but stop it halfway between the table and me. I wonder if I should offer to help; although there’s not much to reheating fajitas. Or maybe I should just sit and let her plate up. I wonder what would make her comfortable. I know neither will help me.
