Page 88 of Girl Abroad

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“Heaps of noise,” he confirms. “Would you like a demonstration?”

“Ew. No.”

I hear him chuckling as he heads downstairs.

I spend the rest of the day catching up on my favorite TV shows, then eat an early dinner with Jamie, because Jack is out with his rugby friends, and Lee still hasn’t come home. I don’t know if I should be worried Lee is chained up in a bathtub somewhere because Lord Eric stole his kidney, but every time I text him, he assures me he’s fine. Or rather, he’s in heaven, according to the latest assurance.

It’s weird having Lee gone all weekend, though. I didn’t realize what a huge presence in my life he’s become. He’s my best friend here.

Around noon on Sunday, I’m still in my lazy clothes, reading in bed, when two soft knocks sound on my door.

“Abbs?” Jack’s voice.


He comes in, wearing jeans and a black long-sleeve that hugs his broad chest. “How about a drive?”

I wrinkle my forehead. “A drive?”

“Yeah. Out to the country. I borrowed my mate’s car. It’s a junker, so I figure he won’t notice a few dents.”

“You borrowed a car for me?”

“Heard you chatting with Jamie yesterday about renting a car so you could practice driving, and it reminded me I promised you we’d go.” He shrugs. “I’d rather you went with me than Jamie. I feel like I’ve a better shot at keeping you alive. So?”

A slow, hesitant smile spreads across my face. “Really?”

“If you’d like.”

I perk right up. He’s been promising me a chance to practice driving on the other side of the road for months. I’d given up on it happening.

“Oh my God. Of course I’d like!” I put the laptop back on the nightstand. “Let’s go for a drive.”

Jack flashes that grin that makes me all gooey inside. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”


WHEN WE PULL AWAY FROM THE CURB TEN MINUTES LATER, I experience a moment of hesitation, because this could be a long and uncomfortable trip in silence if Jack and I can’t figure out anything to say to each other. Our conversations come in fits and starts lately. I’d never give Lee the satisfaction, but he was right. Tempting the boundaries of the roommate relationship is inevitably going to affect your friendship. Hence house rule number one and only.

I’m racking my brain for neutral subjects that can’t possibly veer into dangerous territory when he breaks the ice first.

“Talked to my brother Charlie yesterday. Noah had a fight with his girlfriend.”

“The girlfriend we don’t like?”

“Bree. Noah’s been crashing at Charlie’s place since the fight.”

I grin. “Your mom must be popping champagne.”

“Charlie took his phone while he was sleeping and blocked Bree’s number,” Jack adds, laughing. “He was going to delete all the photos of her from his Instagram, but Noah caught him.”

“Know what you need to do?”

He glances at me from the corner of his eye as he merges onto the highway. “What?”

“You guys need to get someone else in there ASAP to distract Noah. Make him remember what life was like before her.”

“A new girl. Someone hotter and not batshit crazy.”
