Page 48 of The Enemy

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“I guess.” I cast him one last look before giving my friends my attention.

“So, what’s new with everyone? I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“That’s because you’re too busy getting all the orgasms from Mr. Hottie over there.”


“What? Am I wrong? Are you not getting some prime dick every night?”

A smile teases my lips, and they all begin to laugh.

“I knew it,” Amelia hisses. “Tell me he’s good. He has that energy that says he leaves a woman gasping for more.”

“Don’t you have two of the hottest men on the planet panting after you every second of the day?”

Amelia shrugs and gives a little smirk as she looks over at Xander and Beck, who as if they feel her gaze, look up, and the heat between them almost melts the clothes off my back.

“Yeah, I do, but I want that for my girls too.” She looks back at me. “And you’re the last one standing.”

“Listen, I appreciate that, but this is just sex. Good sex, but nothing more.”

“Good sex?”

I roll my lips and nod at Eden.

“With your startlingly hot husband.”

I repeat the nod to Norrie. “Yes.”

“And no feelings are involved at all?”

I glare at Lottie. “Is this some kind of comedy routine?”

“You started it with that ridiculous comment.”

“Why is it ridiculous?”

Norrie looks up at me and props her hands on her hips. It’s amazing how none of these girls are afraid of me anymore. When we met, they all gave me a healthy dose of respect, and were slightly intimidated by me, but not now. Now I get all the sass and I love them for it.

“Because, young lady, you only have to see the way you two look at each other to see how much love there is between you.”

“Rubbish. What you see is lust.”

A hand lands on my shoulder and I spin to see my dad looking gray and frail in a suit that now hangs off his thin frame.

“My darling daughter, might I impart some parental wisdom?”

I give my friends a look that promises retribution and they all start to laugh.

“I preferred it when you were all scared of me,” I hiss, before turning to hug my dad. “Hey, Daddy. Yes, of course, lay that wisdom on me.”

“From a man who has been married for over thirty years, let me tell you that when you love someone deeply it’s impossible to hide it. I see the way Hudson looks at you.”

“How does he look at me?” My heart is pounding out of my chest in case we’ve been busted and I’m about to break my dad’s heart.

“Like I look at your mother. From the first day we met, I knew I’d marry her and she’d be the love of my life. I see that between you two and it makes my heart soar.”

A hand comes around my waist, and I feel the heat of him at my back and I automatically sink into the comfort her offers me.
