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The room around them was fuzzy, even the music nothing more than white noise as they looked at each other.

“Xander,” she breathed.

They moved as one…

But the moment was ruined when Xander inexplicably backed away. That was when she realized someone had tapped him on the shoulder.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Gus was standing there, looking at the two of them curiously. Had he noticed how close they’d been to kissing?

“What’s wrong?” Xander asked.

“Ally can feel one of her migraines coming on,” Gus explained, gesturing toward the table, where Alison was putting on her coat.

“Oh no.” Gia regretfully stepped out of Xander’s arms, though he was clearly reluctant to let go.

Alison had suffered unbearable migraines since she was a kid. She had a prescription that—if taken before the headache became full-blown—would help mitigate the pain. Stress was often a trigger, and Alison was a ball of nerves these days as she prepared for the coming nuptials.

“I’ll get my coat,” Gia said to Gus.

“Your coat. Why?” Xander asked.

Gia pointed to Gus. “He’s my ride. We all came together.”

“I can drive you home,” Xander said. “If you want to stay longer.”

Gia glanced over at Gus. Gus stared at his brother for a moment, then shrugged. “If Xander drives you, I can get Alison home to the medicine quicker.”

That was all the convincing Gia needed. She tried to tell herself she was being selfless, looking out for her best friend, but the truth was she was looking forward to the opportunity to spend time alone with Xander.

Besides, he was giving her a challenging look—why was that so fucking hot?—that told her no wasn’t an option. She didn’t have a clue what was going on right now. Couldn’t tell if the sexual tension she felt was truly two-sided or if her lust-addled brain was just seeing what it wanted.

“I would appreciate a ride home,” she said to Xander. Turning to Gus, she said, “Tell Alison I’ll call in the morning to check on her.”

Gus said goodbye, then left her and Xander on the dance floor. Before he could take her back in his arms, the song ended, a faster one taking its place.

“Want to go back to the table?” she asked.

He grasped her hand, leading her off the floor, and they resumed their seats from earlier. Except this time, Xander pulled his closer until their thighs were touching, then his arm was resting on the back of her chair.

“So, Brat.” He leaned closer, his eyes drifting back down to her lips. “Where were we?”

Gia smiled, then boldly said, “You were about to kiss me.”

Chapter Three

If Xander had been capable of getting a drop of blood to his brain, maybe he would have laughed at her boldness, at her cheeky grin that all but said, “I dare you.”

As it was, he was thinking with the other head.

What the hell was wrong with him?

This was Gia.

Gia Sparks.

She was killing him tonight. Every look, every word, every slight flush of her cheeks had his cock growing thicker until he’d had to start repeating the chain rule from his calculus class over and over in his head to regain control.

Gia had blossomed into a sexy, self-confident, yet soft and sweet woman with long, wavy dark hair he longed to wrap his fist around, pulling it hard, until those thick eyelashes of hers closed, blocking his view of her gorgeous chocolate-brown eyes.
