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Xander shook his head and for the first time, Gia took a harder look at him, forcing herself to see past the square-cut jawline, the deep dimples, and the rich brown eyes—all of which had blinded her to the dark circles under those eyes that now also sported stress lines at the corners. There was more gray around his temples than he’d had last time he was here, and while he was still in great shape, it occurred to her he looked a bit thinner.

“The truth is, I’m tired. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends for so long, I don’t remember how to relax.”

“You haven’t been home much the last few years,” Gia said, as much to herself as Xander. She hadn’t really considered it before because the truth was, Xander’s visits home had always been too brief and too far in between, which was probably why she remembered them all so vividly. They’d been special because they had been so infrequent, and like Gus, she always looked forward a little too much to the times he was home.

“I’ve put some feelers out in terms of prospective buyers. Business is good—damn good. I stand to make enough on the sale that—should I choose—I’d never have to work again if I didn’t want to.” Xander had the Midas touch when it came to industry, making his first million by twenty-five and doubling it every year since, according to Gus.

“But that company is your baby,” she pointed out, not sure why she was fighting against him. Xander’s life and future was none of her concern, but she couldn’t help worrying that perhaps he was making an impulsive decision driven by exhaustion.

“It’s a baby with cholera, nonstop crying, lots of sleepless nights.” Then he sighed. “I’m creeping up on forty. I’m proud of the company I built, but I think it’s time to try something new.”

“Like what?” she asked.

“Consulting. It would allow me to slow down, work from home, pick and choose the jobs I want to do, travel as little or as much as I want to. Like I said, money isn’t really an issue,” he replied, and she realized he’d given this quite a bit of thought.

“You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”

“I’m ready for my own adventure,” he replied with a grin, stealing her line.

She laughed, then initiated her own toast, raising her beer bottle once more. “To the next big adventure.” They tapped, then drained their beers.

“Do me a favor,” Xander said when they put down their empty bottles. “Don’t mention this to anyone. I don’t want to tell my family until I’m one hundred percent certain.”

She pressed her lips together tightly and pretended to lock them with an imaginary key. “Mum’s the word. Promise. Soooo…I guess at some point we should discuss our roles as best man and maid of honor,” she said, changing the subject entirely.

Xander took a sip of his beer. “What do you mean?”

“I know that typically the groomsmen decorate the car, but since this is a small wedding and we are the entire wedding party, I took the liberty of gathering up a bunch of stuff to decorate it with during the reception…cans, string, window markers, streamers, stuff like that.”

“I didn’t even think about the car.” Xander frowned and reached for his phone. “Do you think there’s a list of best man duties online? I should have thought to look that up. I was thinking all I had to do was hand Gus the wedding ring and make a toast.”

Gia placed her hand over his. “I have a list of duties I printed off the internet at home. I’ll make a copy for you. If you stop by the restaurant tomorrow, we can decide who does what. Sound good?”

Xander nodded. “I’m glad at least one of us is prepared.”

The music changed, a slow song starting. Gia looked over her shoulder to the dance floor, where Gus had taken Alison in his arms. Darlene glanced over and caught her eye. The stupid woman gripped Mark closer, the two of them pressed tightly together. Then Darlene started humping his thigh.

Gia turned away, pissed at herself for looking in the first place. Giving Darlene any attention at all was the equivalent of feeding the beast.

Xander followed her gaze, frowning. She was obviously giving off the wrong vibes, making him think she was questioning her decision.

She started to reassure him again than she wasn’t, but Xander spoke first.

“Dance with me.”

Rather than wait for a reply, he rose, taking her hand in his, and she let him lead her to the floor. Gia placed her hands on his shoulders, intent on keeping a friendly distance between them.

Xander, however, had other plans. He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her body flush against his, holding her tightly, directing their movements with ease.

Xander’s intelligence was only overshadowed by the innate dominance that seemed to seep out of every pore of his body. He was a born leader, the type of man to walk into a room and claim control, not through force but by the sheer power of his personality. People just naturally deferred to him, and she was struck by the desire to give herself over to his command.

After a minute or so, Gia worked up the nerve to glance at him, surprised to find he was looking down at her. Their faces were mere inches apart, and for the craziest second, she felt the urge to close the distance and kiss him.

He shifted closer.


Gia ran her tongue over her lower lip, either accepting Xander’s invitation to a kiss or issuing her own—she wasn’t sure which—and his gaze drifted lower, taking note.
