Page 78 of Meegan

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“Aww, Pam. I do feel bad for shipping her off every time we have a late night.”

“Meh. She’s having a great time with my dad and I think Mosley is her soulmate. They were so geeked to see each other.”

“Pam does complete the picture, but yeah. Submission means a lot to me. I need it, but I want to be loved, too. Like, really loved, and I want to be with you.”

“Well, I do love you,” Olin said quietly. “And whether we go back to The Club or not doesn’t matter to me. I just want to be with you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I know you still want to learn and that doesn’t have to stop. I just want to think some more about if I want to go back to that particular building.”

“I think that’s a good deal. I do want to learn how to wield a flogger.”

“Oh, I want you to learn that too.” Meegan smiled at him and they were kissing again. They kissed for a long time, like teenagers avoiding curfew. Finally, Meegan’s stomach growled.

“Oop. Let’s feed you,” Olin said. He kissed her one more time and then pulled back into traffic.

“I know I’m, like, three fantasies behind, but there’s one I really want to do tonight,” Meegan said as they left Beverly Hills.

“What’s that?”

“I want to slow dance with you. I didn’t forget how smooth you were on the dance floor at the arts gala and I don’t want to wait for another formal occasion.”

“We can definitely do that.”


The line at the other In-N-Out wasn’t too bad. They listened to Christmas classics and Meegan opened up about her friendship with Marcos and why things had been a little strained between them. Olin was glad they’d reconnected. They got their food and drove to the mostly empty parking lot between the Best Buy and the yogurt shop. When they were done eating, Olin put on some Billy Joel. They climbed out of the car and danced right there in the cool December air. They danced for a few songs before Meegan declared it was time to go. She wanted to go back to his house and get him in bed. Naked, of course. Who was Olin to argue with this beautiful kindergarten teacher that he loved more than he thought possible. After all, it was a school night.


The next few weeks were busy, but good. Very good. Meegan spent as much time as she could with Olin, in and out of the bedroom. He and Daniel started to develop a friendship of their own. Olin did go back to The Club, but on a Tuesday and without Meegan. Daniel gave him a tour of the property and then they met up with Mistress Diana, who was taking over Olin’s impact training. Daniel wanted to help, but this time of year was very busy for his pyrotechnics company. He also still had to manage The Club, be a present husband to Keira and care for the other submissives who were now in his possession. Mistress Diana was very skilled, so Olin was in good hands.

Meegan was busy trying to keep her kids from climbing the walls as the holiday break got closer. They managed to hold it together and she gladly sent them home for their couple of weeks of freedom. She accompanied Olin to a holiday party thrown by Depot’s current management. It was weird, but she was happy she was able to see the world Olin had gladly stepped away from. They did not stay long.

A couple days later, they showered Shae and Aidan with all the baby gifts they could handle, including the Love&Baby newborn basket that Kayla Bradbury had sent along with her regards. On Christmas Eve, their baby girl, Kimani, arrived three weeks early, but in excellent health.

Meegan and Olin decided to spend Christmas Day apart. Wes would be in town and Meegan’s mom had plans for them to spend the day in Downey with their extended family. The day after Christmas, though, Meegan loaded her mom and Don into the car and drove them down to Long Beach to meet Olin’s family for the first time. Olin offered to take everyone out for dinner, but Lars insisted on cooking.

Meegan had to admit that the man knew his way around the kitchen. She saw very quickly where Olin got his kindness from. His dad and his brother were too sweet and so welcoming. Meegan could have gone forever without her mom saying she wished she’d known Lars existed before she met Don, though. Lars was handsome, but Don gave her mom the world and Meegan was more than fine with Olin being her boyfriend and not her adult stepbrother.

All in all, the meeting of the parents went well and Meegan felt even more supported, knowing her friends, her mom and Don were all in on Olin. On New Year’s Eve, Olin reminded Meegan that he was actually rich when they flew to Miami and partied with Michael and Kayla. Meegan couldn’t deny, it was the best midnight kiss she’d ever had.

Like all good things, Meegan’s holiday break ended and she was back in the classroom, listening to her little nuggets tell all their parents’, grandparents’ and aunties’ business. She and Olin settled into a nice little rhythm. She was looking forward to the Valentine’s weekend away in Santa Barbara that he was planning. Even more, she was also looking forward to the dungeon in his house reaching completion. They were gonna do so many filthy things there.

What she didn’t expect was the conversation she had with Keira the last Monday in January. She arrived at the Song-Kenney house, ready for a new episode ofMatch Made in Paradise Spain. They gushed over new pictures of the baby and Xeni purchased some cupcakes in Shae’s absence. Before Meegan could grab one, Keira pulled her into Daniel’s office.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“Olin told you to clear your Saturday, right?” Keira said.

“Yeah, I think he’s planning a little day date. Why, what’s up?”

“It’s something like that. I was just waiting for final confirmation. Be ready at eleven am. Like, ready ready. Stretch. Hydrate. Full anal prep.”

“Oh, it’s that kind of day date?” Meegan said, smiling like a fool. She’d have sex with Olin at least three times before Saturday if work and LA traffic didn’t get in the way. She was glad the weekend was guaranteed to offer more in the way of sexual activities. “Wait, why are you telling me? What are you up to?”

Keira squinted at her and it took everything for Meegan not to laugh. “My job is to let you know your instructions. That’s all I’m saying.”

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