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“How have you been?” I ask Benson.

Life has been busy. Isn’t it always? It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, but it feels good to be sitting across from him tonight. Madison had to work, but we’re meeting up with her after this.

“I’ve started seeing that therapist I told you about, and that really has made things interesting. It was tough at first, but it’s getting easier.”

Benson seems a bit uncomfortable in the public restaurant as we’re catching up over lunch. He often looks over his shoulder and washes things down with wipes. I ignore the behavior because I know pointing it out only makes his reactions escalate.

“What about you? How has the real estate thing been going?”

“I’m racking up my hours pretty quickly, and I feel good about the material. The test is in a few weeks. I’m fairly confident I’ll do okay because I’ve already aced a few practice exams. I’m enjoying it though. I think I’ll be really happy as an agent.”

“Happy as an agent or to be by your man’s side?” He snickers and then fills his mouth with food.

I kick him under the table but only lightly. “Shut up, Benny. This might have been Brazen’s idea, and, yeah, I’m joining him at Brazen Sun, but I actually think this career is perfect for me. I’d be fulfilled doing it, even without Brazen in the picture.”

“I’m just giving you a hard time, Noah. I’m glad you’ve found your way.” He reaches across the table and pats my hand.

Benson has really come a long way in his comfort level with me.

“That’s more like it. Thanks!”

We stuff ourselves full and talk until long after our plates are gone. After the fifth dirty look from our waiter for hogging his table, we decide to go find Madison.

On the morning when I first arrived at the home I shared with them and Benson was scared of me and Madison was only a stranger, I wasn’t sure if I would make fond memories there, but I did because of them.

When we get back to my old place, Madison is sitting on the front porch swing, reading a book, and she smiles up at us as we approach.

“Well, will you look at who it is? I see you’ve come crawling back to claim your old room. Fed up with Brazen already?” Madison drops the book to her lap as she teases me.

“Brazen, I’m never giving up. I’ve missed you. That’s why I’m here,” I correct her. I really do miss not seeing Benson and Madison all the time.

“I hate to bring it up, but how’s Brazen doing since the news about Matt?”

Madison would probably do it without being asked, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Sunday had asked her to look out for Brazen, too.

Benson and I sit beside Madison on the swing, and I sigh when I think about what a big story Matt’s illegal activity has become.

“He’s been surprisingly okay. We make an effort to keep the news updates out of our home, and he takes everything day by day. It’s tough, but I can’t believe how positive he’s been.”

Things were hard for Brazen, and I never held any of his reactions against him, but his attitude has seemingly done a one-eighty since that day we saw the scandal drop.

“Despite everything, I’m proud of you and thrilled for you. You’ve really done a lot in a short amount of time. Grown, learned, and found really good people to have in your life.” If I’m not mistaken, there might be emotion clogging Madison’s throat while she speaks to me, and the sentiment gets the better of me, too.

“Thanks, Madison.” The two words are about all I can manage after her high praise.

“Remember that time Madison tripped over her own feet and wiped out on the kitchen floor, carrying a bowl of unhardened Jell-O?” Benson lightens the mood with a memory we can laugh at.

Madison groans while lightly smacking her face with her palm.

“We were cleaning up the red stains for two weeks. How could I forget?” I nudge her leg in jest, and the three of us laugh together at her expense.

We spend the afternoon on the porch laughing and joking. Benson entertains us with his ever-present quirks, and Madison brightens the get-together with her smile.

Florida was one of a few places I considered flying off to, and this house was one of a dozen living situations that I looked into. Somehow, I’ve ended up exactly where I belong with people who get me.

I’ve learned how to live my life boldly, and I’ll never lose that.

Brazen picks me up when the night starts to cool the air.

After saying good-bye to my friends, I run to his car and into his arms.

Who knew you could miss someone after only spending eight hours apart?
