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Exactly One Year From the Day I Came to Florida

Candles grace every table, and each centerpiece is filled with white flowers. Guests flood the entryway, decked out in their finest formalwear. I helped a lot with putting some of this together, but Brazen shows through in every detail from the linen tablecloths to the twinkling lights overhead. He’s breathed life into this charity gala.

Over the last year, I have completed items off my list, and Brazen has been there with me through most of that time. Today, on my nineteenth birthday, we are getting ready to cross off the final item. Brazen was worried this wasn’t how I would want to spend my birthday, but I couldn’t imagine doing anything else other than honoring Sunday’s memory.

“Everything looks perfect, babe.” I tighten his tie and then brush some lint off his suit-covered shoulder. My manicured fingernails are painted silver and match his tie and my dress. “Including you. I like this whole boss-man look on you.”

“But I’m not your boss anymore, Noah. You’ve graduated from assistant to partner. Have I told you congratulations on your first sale yet?”

It was off the market in less than thirty days; even I was proud of that.

“Only about a million times, but I don’t mind hearing it again, Mr. Hale.” I drop his tie and slide my fingers down his shirt. “That house practically sold itself.”

“Nuh-uh. Don’t do that. Don’t discredit yourself. You made us a pretty penny.”

“Fine. Whatever you say, boss. Are you ready to go out there?”

Brazen and I have taken a few minutes to be alone on the small balcony overlooking the entire event before the crazy night. I wanted him to be able to see all his hard work from up above, and I just wanted time to have him to myself, too.

“I’m ready. Let’s go raise some money for Tampa Bay, Florida Women’s Circle.”

That’s the local charity we’re supporting tonight. With Brazen’s hand in mine, we leave the privacy of the balcony and join our guests to honor Sunday. Everything we raise tonight will be donated in her name.

It’s absolutely breathtaking up close. All of Tampa’s local artists have made donations, and the art is displayed on every wall and on pedestals around the room. The rich are here to open their wallets, and everyone is in attendance for a great cause. Paintings sell for high-dollar amounts. Sculptures go for even more. Appetizers get passed about the room, and a sultry woman croons soft songs from the stage. We mingle and make our way from guest to guest, stopping to talk to almost everyone. We spend the most time with Madison and Benson, who are here as well. Beth is also mingling throughout the room somewhere, looking stunning in blue.

And then the moment comes for Brazen to go up onstage and deliver a speech. He’s been practicing like crazy, but he hasn’t let me hear a word of it, which was a little strange, but I know he’s nervous. I’ll listen to whatever he’s prepared for the first time with everyone else. The room goes quiet as he makes his way up to the spotlight, and his eyes instantly find me in the crowd.

“Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight.”

He radiates confidence, and only I am able to tell that his nerves are getting to him. Beth quietly sneaks up behind me and puts her hand on my shoulder. I smile at her in return.

“When you lose someone you love, especially in a violently unreasonable way, there are so many what-ifs. What could I have changed? What could I have done differently? Why?

“I asked myself those same questions hundreds of times after Sunday was taken from us. What I realized is that, while there aren’t any answers, I don’t want anyone else to have to go through what Sunday went through. I don’t want anyone else to ever have to lose someone like this, and hopefully, one day, that can be a reality.”

The crowd nods along in agreement.

“Last week, her attacker, the person who had taken her life, was convicted and sentenced. He’ll spend the rest of his life in prison, and I don’t believe there is a better place for him. Organizations like the one we’re supporting tonight are critical to our fight against domestic violence or any kind of abuse.”

Matt’s jury only took two hours to bring back a guilty verdict because they could easily see the truth. Everyone who watched the trial could. I sat next to Brazen in the front row through the relatively quick process. With Matt locked away, it feels like we can finally breathe a little easier.

As Brazen moves his dialogue away from Matt, I concentrate back on my man on the stage.

“One year ago today, another girl I’ve come to love got on a plane in Seattle and landed in Florida with nothing but a suitcase and a list she calls her Orbit List. That list helped inspire tonight, and that girl has helped me heal. This last year has been one of the best and also one of the worst, but through her list and wanting to help her achieve her goals, I’ve found hope in a desperate situation and love for a woman who completes me.”

My cheeks blush, and my heart swoons. I’m very well aware of how Brazen feels about me because he makes sure to tell me daily, but to hear him announce it to a roomful of people makes my stomach do flip-flops.

“Noah, baby, will you come up here?” His smile beams as he calls me out in a teasing tone.

This event is Brazen’s. There is no reason for me to climb the stage. I wave him off and emphatically shake my head. Beth nudges me with a laugh, Madison hollers my name, and Benson gives me a wink.

“Get up here before you make me come get you.” He laughs and makes a show out of taking one giant step toward the side of the stage.

I stand and awkwardly push in my chair so that I can get around the tables. I’m going to kill him when we get home. He could have warned me he was going to pull this. I give him the stink eye as I join him on the stage and step in close to him.

“Noah”—he turns away from the audience and faces me—“first of all, I want to give credit where credit is due and say thank you for being an essential part of putting this event together.” Briefly, he addresses the attendees, “Everyone, please give a round of applause for your cohost of this event.”
