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The crowd cheers, and there are even a few stray whistles. Brazen lights up with delight at my embarrassment, but he doesn’t relent.

“Life can be hard, and it can be cruel and extremely ugly. Without you in my life, I’m afraid of the person I might have become after the tragedy of this year. You kept me human because you have so much compassion and joy for life. My standards for myself remained intact because I knew I needed to be the man you deserved.”

We share a public moment that feels intensely private. No one but us exists while we stand here on this stage together. He looks down and then back up as he pushes his hand deep into his pocket. Nervously, he laughs, which is adorable.

Then, Brazen does something that almost knocks me off my feet.

He gets down on one knee.

Has he asked me a question yet? I don’t know, but I’m already screaming yes in my head!

My knees shake, and my heart bursts.

This man. This man is going to ask me to be forever his.

The room grows so silent, I worry they can hear my labored breathing.

“Noah Mackenzie, will you marry me?”

He opens a black box that was hidden in his hand, and I get only a glimpse of the beautiful diamond because I’m more focused on the man who just asked me to be his wife. His wife!

Did I say yes?

I think I said yes. Maybe I didn’t.

My knees give, and I drop to the floor in front of him. My hands touch his face. My lips devour his. There is so much excitement inside me that my head gets dizzy. I’m drunk off this complete and total surprise.

“Is that a yes, baby?” he whispers into my ear.

Apparently, I haven’t yet answered him.

“Yes! Yes, Brazen, I will marry you!” There is an elated giggle in my affirmation.

The microphone picks up my answer, and the crowd stands, roaring in the jubilance. I attempt to hide my face in Brazen’s chest, but he grips my cheeks in his hands and kisses me with so much love, I want to cry.

I am going to marry this man who couldn’t be more perfect for me. It’s absolutely unreal.

“You are mighty bold. Do you know that? Proposing like that in front of all these people. You are absolutely crazy, and I couldn’t be happier.” My smile is so wide, it’s painful.

“My name is Brazen. I have to live up to it, especially when it comes to you.” His hand caresses my face, and his eyes glisten with captivated affection.

“I love you,” I tell him, a bit choked up after the proposal.

“I love you, too, Noah.”

Once we collect ourselves, the exuberance continues through the night. Madison gushes over my ring, and Benson awkwardly congratulates Brazen. Beth takes me into her arms and cries profound tears of elation. The crowd passes us around for celebrations. Together, on the night we’ve finished our Orbit List, we make a promise to nurture our connection for the rest of our lives.

That sounds like a pretty good happily ever after to me.
