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Noah pulled away when I started to mention her parents. I have a feeling she’d do the same if I focused on the where-she-came-from part. So, instead, I move forward with where she’s going.

“Are we talking about hobbies like Frisbee in the park or cliff diving?”

“Sure.” She nods enthusiastically.


“I’ve never done either, but maybe I’ll try both someday.”

“I didn’t peg you for an adrenaline junkie.” An easy rhythm settles between us as I enjoy finally hearing a little bit about her.

“I had this coloring book when I was about ten, and other kids would always get on me because I didn’t want to stay in the lines. But why would you want to do the drawing that everyone else could do when you could take it and make it your own?”

“So, you’re saying you’ve always been a daring little rebel?”

She shakes her head, but I don’t miss that her eyes light up, too.

“I prefer to think of it as being curious.”

I’m curious, too—more than curious about her.

Dinner comes, and we eat, laughing and talking the whole time.

An amazing time.

Inside the cab of my truck, I feel like a young kid nervous about the end of the night.

Once we’re parked outside her house, I take a deep breath before getting out and going around to open her door for her. After helping her down, I take her hand and walk her to her door.

This is it.

Right here, on her porch. This is where everything will change.

“Thanks for coming tonight.” I take her other hand, so I’m holding both.

“I had fun. Best seafood I have ever had.”

“Yeah, and how was the company?” I thought only women fished for compliments. I guess not because that’s exactly what I’m doing.

“The company was my favorite part.” Noah doesn’t look so shy or innocent as she takes a tiny step closer and tilts her chin up a bit.

Our eyes lock.

No words. Just us.

“If you hug me again, I might throw something at you.” She squeezes my hand as she breaks the silence between us.

Not this time.

I lean in, and Noah pulls closer.

We’re connected. We’re in sync. We’re about to have our first kiss.


Damn it!

She stumbles back, and we both turn to the door, which is now open with Benson standing there, watching us. I doubt he even knows what he interrupted.
