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A rush of heavy air blows between Noah’s lips as I watch her sleep in my bed, tangled up in the sheets, in the middle of the day. Life couldn’t get much better than this moment right here. Pounding sounds at the door, and even though I didn’t say that last thought aloud, I know that I’ve spoken too soon.

“Noah, baby, wake up.”

Her eyes slowly flutter open.

“Go in Sunday’s room, and lock the door.”

She wipes the sleep from her eyes. I hate that whoever is knocking on the door like that is intruding on our day. The pounding sounds again, and Noah springs into action, throwing her clothes back on. I do the same and then open my bedroom door just as Sunday comes running around the corner.

“Get in here with Noah, and lock the door. Don’t open it until I come and get you.”

Sunday doesn’t have to be told twice. Most likely, whoever is knocking is here for Sun, and I won’t let her face whoever it is. I march to the front of my home, and the pounding gets louder. I can already tell it isn’t Matt, so that leaves only one other possibility.


I see that I’m right when I open the door, and she’s on fire. Her face is beet red, and her eyebrows are pulled inward.

“Where is she?” she screams.

I catch her arm as she attempts to run inside my home.

“You can’t be here, Steph.” I slide outside and shut the door behind me.

“I want that friend of yours to stay the hell away from my fiancé. We share our locations on our phones, and I’ve seen him at her house three times this week!” She attempts to break through my hold while screaming at the top of her lungs.

“They weren’t together, and you know that. Matt might have been near Sunday’s home, but he wasn’t with her. Do you know how I know that? Because she hasn’t been home since he beat the shit out of her.”

Sunday has been here, but that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned about what Stephanie just said. Her phone told her that Matt has been creeping around Sunday’s three times this week. He’s looking for her, and if she’s not at home, I’m sure he knows she’s here.

“She’s ruining my life, Brazen! Matt and I just want to be together, and she’s always in the way! I want to tell her to move on! I want her to finally get divorced so that I can marry him. I want her out of my relationship!” Instead of continuing her attempt to plow through me, she directs her anger toward me, slapping at my chest with each one of her ignorant pleas.

“It isn’t Sunday you need to be pleading with. In fact, you should probably have a good long chat with yourself.”

She begins to sob, and I’m torn between disgust and pity.

“Leave him, Steph. Nothing is worth the way he treats women. Leave him before you can’t.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about! You’re just jealous that you can’t have me,” she hollers into my face.

If she only knew how wrong she was. There is a girl inside who has completely run away with my heart.

“Let me inside! I need to talk to Sunday!”

Stephanie is here to fight for a man who deserves nothing, and I just don’t get it.

The door behind me creaks open, and I stiffen my hold on the flailing girl. Sunday stands under the doorframe with Noah peeking out behind her. Fuck, I really didn’t think Sunday would come out here. I know how much she hates dealing with Stephanie.

“You need to leave, Stephanie. Brazen deserves more respect than my drama constantly showing up at his door.” The fading bruises on Sunday’s skin look darker as the sun cascades against her face.

“Inside, Sunday! Now!” My voice is louder and angrier than I’d like it to be, but her presence isn’t going to make anything better with Stephanie.

With quick movements, I take long strides and distance myself from Stephanie. I grab on to my door handle. “Go home before I call the cops.”

I throw the door closed, locking it once I’m inside. I peek out to see Stephanie throwing a temper tantrum in my driveway. She’ll go eventually.

Sunday and Noah stand just inside the foyer.
