Page 15 of No Sugar Coating It

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Then her thick, black lashes quiver as her eyes roll back. Her cunt, so tight and soaked for me, clenches around my cock harder than before, and my eyes fly open. This feels different. Feels… wrong, somehow. Panic starts to settle into the place where my arousal used to be, and I watch as her entire body stiffens and grinds to a shuddering halt. What the fuck…? Faith tosses her head back as a cry rips through her throat, causing the very chair we’re fucking on to tremble. In fact, everything in the room is vibrating right now. My cock strains again as she comes undone on top of me in a torrent of banshee wails, and I’m actually getting a little concerned. The room rattles so hard cracks streak across the windows in spidery veins, threatening to shatter the glass. Am I about to die? Oh, fuck… of course this is how I’d die. With the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of being in killing me with her chaotic demon pussy.


“F-Faith?” I shout as jars of candy jump from their shelves and shatter across the floor. Suddenly, the shop is covered in M&Ms, sour ribbon rainbows, and jawbreakers. They rattle across the floor, rolling in our direction until finally, her mouth snaps shut and her eyes roll back a second time. As she snaps her head back to look down at me, her once vibrant violet eyes morph into twin black swirling vortexes.

We stare at one another deliriously for a long moment until she lunges forward and buries her fangs into my neck. I scream, convinced she’s about to rip out my throat and leave me a bloody heap in this chair. And then, without warning or permission, my erection unloads the biggest orgasm I’ve ever experienced. My heart threatens to rip a hole in my chest as I fill her pussy with cum, and for a second I worry I’m about to black out as each pulse overwhelms my senses. Pulse, heavy breath, pulse, another heavy breath, pulse, until I’m finally empty. I can’t breathe. It’s like all the air in the room has been sucked out by a giant vacuum, like the one inSpaceballs, leaving me a gasping mess of a man in my chair.

Okay, scratch that earlier thought. I wasn’t dying then, but I’m definitely dying now.

Once the dusthas settled in the shop—literally—and my erection has finally gone flaccid—for now—I run my palm down the back of Faith’s head, stroking her hair. “Hey.”

She hasn’t moved in a while, and I’m starting to get concerned my demon Domme might’ve actually killed herself. I mean, that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, right? Because then we’d be done and I could carry on my life as usual. At least until I died of old age or something. But, and I know she said I shouldn’t because this is her job… but I’m a little attached to this crazy chick. I’d be sad if she keeled over.

“You good? Do you, uh… need anything? Some water? CPR?”

Faith lets out a groan and stirs to life. Oh, thank God for that. She’s not dead.

Then she lifts her head and scowls at me, her black hair now matted against her forehead with sweat. “You are such an asshole,” she mutters.

I let out a startled laugh. “I guess you can’t be all that bad off, then. You okay, sweetheart?”

Faith wriggles off my lap and slinks onto the floor like a de-boned cat trying to avoid affection.

Then, a black vortex appears beneath her body and sucks her up. Just like that. Huh. That was… unexpected, to say the least. Seconds later, she re-emerges, scowling as usual and looking fresh again. Wish I could do that. Instead of her mesh black bikini that will be permanently burned into my brain, she’s wearing her simple dress from earlier and her hair is back up in the casual bun.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” she snaps as she points a black claw at me. “That? That can’t happen again.”

I give her a crooked grin. “What? Great sex can’t happen again?”

“You know what I mean. You seduced me!”

I know I shouldn’t laugh, because I do have some self-preservation instincts left, but I can’t help but chuckle a little. “Iwhatnow? Beautiful, you were practically begging for my dick and I didn’t have to do anything! Icouldn’tdo anything, because I was strapped to the chair with CANDY.”

She slumps down onto the floor and sighs. That’s not good.

“What’s wrong? Hey.” This is the part where I’d normally get out of this chair and plop down on the floor with her, but she made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t want me touching her without permission first. But when she doesn’t so much as lift her head to glare at me, I drop down onto the ground on my knees and wrap an arm around her shoulder.

Wincing, I say, “I know you probably don’t like this, but… I think you might need a hug or something?” She goes limp in myarms, and I pull her tight against my chest. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re a damn fine succubus.”

Faith pulls back from my chest and looks up at me, her bottom lip trembling. “I… I’m not a succubus. Do you see any wings on my back?”

Blinking, I say, “Uh, no? Is that some kind of requirement or something?”

Faith lets out another strangled sound from her lovely throat and shifts in my arms. “Again, I am alesserdemon. I haven’t had a promotion in at least a thousand years, and I’m about to get fired. Do you not recall a single thing I told you in my apartment?”

I nod slowly, recalling what she said earlier about her workplace. “Right. I sort of remember. To be fair, I was scared shitless, so my memory isn’t the greatest. But… I mean, you’re really good at your work. So how come you’re about to get fired? I mean, you work for layer two of Hell, right? Lust?”

She nods again.

“Yeah. So, you got the lust part down perfect. What’s the problem? If you were one of my employees, you’d be getting a juicy bonus on top of a promotion.”

Faith’s lashes bat again as she sighs, which I’m starting to realize is bashfulness. It makes my heart melt whenever she does it, but I’m not stupid enough to ruin the moment we’re having by pointing it out.

“I… thank you, Byron. That means a lot. But lust is not a requirement for a job well done, I’m afraid. We’re supposed to punish misaligned souls through acts of cruelty and malice. And during my performance reviews, I have come up woefully short.”

I raise a brow. That doesn’t sound right. “Woefully short how?”

Faith sighs, and I’ll admit that my heart breaks a little from the sound. She’s so upset, but until I listen—reallylisten—to thiswoman, I won’t know how to help her. Demon or not, she’s still a person with thoughts and feelings. I could even see myself being friends with someone like her.
