Page 1 of Saving Kate

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Four years.

It has been nearly four years since I stepped foot back in Hillswood. Looking around, not much seems to have changed, at least not in town square. People are everywhere, enjoying the summer day and completely ignorant to the darkness that lingers in the background. Kids playing at the playground, a food truck serving teenagers, even the little water fountain people are taking selfies at is so normal, it almost makes me forget too. But with a shudder, the bliss of ignorance is gone.

I’ll never forget the truth about this town.

Growing up, I never cared much to know my family’s history. We had fancy cars, a big house with a pool that made me popular in the summers with all my friends. It wasn’t a priority to ask where all the money came from; I was just a child. It wasn’t until the money slowed that tension started seeping into our house. Now, all I see when I look at this town is destruction.

The lies.

The blood.

My mother’s blood.

“Miss Randell,” I hear and I snap out of my daze as I brush my long blonde hair out of my face.

The flashbacks are not as frequent as they used to be, but I knew coming back would stir them up. The lingering panic attack that was threatening moments ago disappears as I spot my father’s assistant.

“Edgar!” I say with a bright smile. “I’m so glad you are the one here to pick me up.”

He smiles back with a wink. “Wouldn’t miss the opportunity Miss Kate. Should we grab some ice cream?”

I grin at him. “For old times sake?”

He chuckles and nods. I follow him away from the bus bench where I had been sitting and he pulls my suitcase along for me. We stop by the ice cream shop and order ice cream cones from the little side window. The woman eyes me curiously, as though I’m a familiar face she can’t place. I wouldn’t be surprised if she does recognize me. My father owns most of the buildings around town and there was quite an uproar in the media after my mother’s murder.

Edgar tips the woman as we walk towards a picnic table.

“Here to fill me in on the new step monster?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Edgar attempts to hide his amusement and fails miserably, rolling his eyes with a chuckle.

“There have been quite a few changes, that’s for sure. But first, Kate, how are you?”

My lips tug up as I force the small smile and I shrug. “I’ll be fine. Play by daddy’s rules for two more years and I’ll be free.”

Edgar sighs but nods. “First thing you should know is that the step monster has a name,” he winks and I laugh loudly. “Mary-Mae.”

“Ew, are you serious?”

“Unfortunately. Though, you may be pleased to know that she and your father are rarely ever at home. They have spent the past few years traveling, and from what I’ve seen of the upcoming itinerary I don’t believe that will be changing any time soon.”

“House to myself? Score one for team Kate.”

He eyes me hesitantly and I frown at him. “What aren’t you telling me?”

He rubs the bridge of his nose as he finishes his ice cream. My stomach twists and I feel like my appetite is about to disappear as well.

“They’ve moved to a much larger place. More security of course,” he eyes me sadly at the reminder that my mother’s killer was never caught. “But your father doesn’t want you on your own either.”

“So what, I've got a personal bodyguard?” I roll my eyes.

“In a way,” he mutters, and I have to stop my eyes from bulging out of my head.

“I was joking!”

“You have three house guests, Miss Kate. You’ll meet them when we return. Your father is planning a large family style dinner to discuss things.”
