Page 2 of Saving Kate

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“Ridiculous. I don’t need some babysitters.”

Edgar sighs, keeping his opinions to himself, which I’m grateful for. I throw away my half eaten ice cream and follow him quietly to the sleek black car. I climb in the passenger seat as he puts my luggage into the trunk for me. Once in, he smiles tightly tome and grips my hand in his. I flinch away out of instinct and he looks at me surprised.

“Just on edge,” I apologize as my shaky hand clasps his once more.

“It’ll be alright. Just some adjustments to get used to, yes?”

I nod with a tight smile as he starts the car. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans.

Adjustments my ass.

It sounds like my entire world is about to explode.


I’m not sure what to expect as we pull up to my father’s new house. Something similar to the large three story we had before? Maybe smaller, considering the state of his finances the last time I had been home. Certainly not large black gates and a security officer at the foot of the driveway.

“Ah, so this must be Katelyn?” The guard asks, eyeing me through the driver's window when Edgar rolls the window down.

“Must be,” I chuckle uncomfortably. “You are?”

“Lionel. You’ll usually see me out here, if not it’ll be Sam. Nice to finally meet you. I look forward to hearing you play soon!” He says with a friendly wave as the gates open.

Edgar sends me a nervous look and rolls the window up.

“What does he mean?” I ask cautiously and Edgar frowns.

“Your father may have spun a different story to explain your absence over the years…”

“I’m not even surprised,” I groan and put my thumb in my mouth to chew on the nail as the pit in my stomach grows.

“Everyone, including your house guests and the staff, all believe you have been at a boarding school overseas pursuing music.”

“I don’t play anymore!” I snap at him.

His face looks pained at the reminder and I immediately feel guilty.

“Sorry,” I mumble and glance out the windshield as the large house?… mansion?… estate?… comes into view. “Holy shit. Where did he find the money for this?” I ask myself and shake my head immediately. “Scratch that. Don’t tell me.”

“I doubt your father will be having you play for anyone. But he was adamant that you follow along with the story. He says the truth would stir up… drama.”

I roll my eyes. “When you lock your daughter in a psych ward for four years, it can definitely bring bad publicity,” I mutter.

I slam the car door a little too roughly and take a slow breath. My fingers brush through my tangled hair. I grab my purse as Edgar grabs my suitcases and I follow him up the staircase to the brick mansion.

I’ve decided that seems to be the only fitting word for describing the ridiculously sized building in front of me.

“Finally,” a voice snaps as I push the door open and I glance up the staircase that overlooks the front foyer. “Took long enough. Did you miss your bus?”

“Missed you too, dad,” I groan.

Bastard couldn’t even let me close the front door before ruining what should be a celebratory day. It's not every day you're released from the hospital. Though, I guess it’s not every day your own father manipulates the system to keep you there for four years either.

Edgar smiles softly and takes my bag up the stairs to where I assume my room is.

“We have a lot to discuss. Let’s go,” my father says with irritation as he comes down the stairs.

I barely have time to look around and admire the place as he drags me down a long hallway to another room. I glance around once he shuts the door and realize it must be his office. I don’t hesitate to take a seat at his desk and he glares at me.

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