Page 107 of Saving Kate

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“Do you like that, Kate?” He asks as he brushes his thumb across my clit making me cry out. “Do you like knowing that I was hard just from hearing you? Or that right now, Eli and Ax are probably being tormented hearing you just like I was?”

“Yes,” I scream as his pace picks up.

He seems satisfied with that answer as he brings his mouth back to my throbbing pussy. His tongue flicks my clit as his fingers continue to pump inside of me. His other hand firmly grips my hip, holding me to his mouth as I squirm with the building sensation.

“Oh God, Asher,” I scream and he responds by only gripping me in place as I cry out.

His mouth doesn’t leave my body until my thighs finally lose their hold around his shoulders. He kisses his way back up towards me and lays his forehead against mine, giving me the perfect view of his blue eyes.

“You’re amazing, Kate,” he grins, as he kisses me softly.

My mind screams that I should be offering to repay the orgasm for him but he pulls my naked body toward him and I collapse against his chest, instantly falling asleep.

“Jesus Christ!”

I wake in a panic and find Ax glaring at me. My breath comes in short gasps from waking so suddenly and his angry eyes turn worried.

“Woah, it’s okay babe,” I hear Asher say from beside me. “The fuck is wrong with you, Ax!”

I vaguely make out Eli rushing into the room but my body is drenched in a cold sweat as spots fill my vision.

“Hey, hey, Katie, hey,” I hear Ax’s voice.

I’ve got you Katie, it’s okay.

Between Asher’s firm hand in mine and Ax’s voice mixing with my flashback, I’m able to think clearly enough to slow mybreathing and fill my lungs with oxygen. I glance at all three pairs of eyes- embarrassed of the sudden panic attack and am about to apologize when Asher squeezes my hands.

“Don’t apologize, he’s the one that barged in here.”

I turn back to Ax and Eli, and Eli smirks. “He may just have been a bit caught off guard. As much as I love your body, Kate, you may want to cover up a bit.”

My face reddens as I realize I’m still naked and I grip the sheet to cover my chest and legs.

“You ruin all the fun. Kate should never cover up,” Asher chuckles.

“Please, everyone get out so I can go crawl into a hole and die,” I groan.

“You know,” Asher says softly and lays a kiss on my bare shoulder. “Your whole body turns red when you blush.”

“Enough, Jesus Christ. I was just coming to let you know Red needs you at the bar tonight,” Ax snaps.

“I’m sure that’s the only reason,” Eli grins, as Ax storms out of the room. “Nothing to do with us hearing —”

“Get out!” I groan again and flop back on the pillow.

Asher laughs as he heads for the doorway but not before turning to look at me once more. With one last award-winning smile he disappears from the room.

Eli brushes his bottom lip with his thumb as he watches me. “It’s my turn to get beat up by you today. Hurry and change before I think of another way to work you out.”

The door closes as he finally leaves. I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment as I try to ignore the heat in between my thighs. I’m grateful to find only Eli in the kitchen and he smiles at me as he hands me some toast and coffee. I have a harder time finding pent up anger when it’s time to punch at him and my body groans in protest with each swing.

“You seem sore,” he says, eyeing me. “How about something else today?”

He shows me how to duck and dodge as he swings his covered hands towards me. My thighs burn from working on squatting instead of just bending at my waist.

“Yup, keep your hands up. Protect yourself,” he reminds me, as I duck again.

The speed slowly picks up and I glare at him when he brushes the top of my head during one of his swings where I duck too slow.
