Page 108 of Saving Kate

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“Don’t give me that look,” he laughs. “Pick up the pace.”

He has me swing at him after I dodge and I finally give up. My body is screaming in protest with each move and I’m perfectly content with being done with all forms of exercise for the foreseeable future.

“You’re a quick learner,” he tells me, as he hands me some water.

“You aren’t the worst teacher,” I tease, and he smirks.

“Hardly a compliment, but I’ll take it.”

He lingers in front of me and before I can ask him what’s wrong, he tucks hair behind my ear and cups my face.

“Even if you never forgive me, Kate, I’m always going to do what I can to make sure you're safe.”

My throat tightens as words fail me. He turns to walk away, giving me one last sad smile and my heart throbs.


He stops to look at me and I try to stop myself from fidgeting awkwardly.

“Would it be weird if I,” I hesitate. “If I asked you to kiss me?”

He doesn’t even give me a response as his lips brush mine. “You only have to ask, Kate, and I’ll give you everything I can.”

His words are so heavy they linger in the air as he kisses me once more and heads inside.



Working the bar tonight is the last thing I want to be doing. It doesn’t help that a frat group just had to get tossed out and I’m seriously considering closing up shop early.

“Chill, man,” Lucky says laughing. “You look like you are about to kill someone.”

“If I have to deal with one more goddamn drunk I may,” I mutter, as I hand another whiskey to a trucker at the end of the bar.

“Someone would rather be cuddling his girl than here dealing with these fucks,” Red says, laughing as he hands a wine to some cougars that won’t stop staring at me.

“Your girl? I thought Eli was tapping that?” Lucky says, but the glare I give him shuts him up. “My bad man. I forgot. Kate talk is off limits,” he says, shaking his head and heading to the safe for change.

Red nudges me as I down a shot of whiskey of my own. “You good though, man? Joking aside,” he says, shrugging. “I know Ax has been hooked on that girl for a while now. But you and Eli seem pretty hung up, too. Should I be worried one of you is gonna kill the other?”

“Ax has his head in his ass,” I mutter. “But no, we’re good.”

“Back in my day we would have just made her pick and the others would bow out. Can’t let a chick come between you, you know?”

“I’m not making her choose shit,” I warn him. “She’s had enough crap in her life. Who gives a fuck if she wants to feel loved by more than one person.”

“Love?” Red asks, cocking an eyebrow and I kick myself. “Damn. You got it bad my friend.”

I throw a rag at him, feeling even more grumpy than before. “Get back to work.”

When it’s time to close up, I head to my bike but stop short when I spot Eli and Ax standing by it.

“Where’s Kate?” I ask, eyeing the two of them.

“Sleeping. Edgar’s there,” Eli says, but Ax looks irritated that I’m even asking.

Oh well. I dare him to say something, I’ll knock his teeth in again.
