Page 135 of Saving Kate

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“He said you felt guilty about your father!” She says. “That he killed Rosie and didn’t know Kate was there. See, I can tell you anything I know! I swear! I had nothing to do with any of that!” She says frantically.

“Shut up!” I shout, as her screeching makes me want to shoot her just to shut her damn mouth.

I grab my own phone and call Colt when I find a text from a number stating that the phone was discovered and they’d be waiting for her to get a new number to continue tracing.

Dumbass put everything in text. Obviously not a professional. I give the number to Colt to have him trace it and hang up. I kneel in front of Stephen and use the knife to tilt his head up.

“You think your daughter is still gonna save you, old man?”

“I know my daughter. She wouldn’t tell you to kill me. She will want to talk to me herself,” he coughs as he struggles to smile at me.

He doesn’t know his daughter so well anymore. Everything he has put her through has changed her; she’s stronger.

“Guess you don’t know her so well,” I laugh. “She knows we are here.”

Stephen eyes me then glances at Eli and Asher like he doesn’t believe me.

“She didn’t want to see you,” Asher answers his unasked questions.

“Bullshit,” he snaps.

“I believe you—” Mary pipes up but Eli puts the tape over her mouth again to finally quiet her.

“She’d rather be happy and safe than deal with cleaning up the trash. We were happy to volunteer. That’s all you are now to her; trash,” I tell him as my phone dings.

My phone dings again quickly after and I check my texts.

Colt: Unregistered burner

Colt: Tracing it

Colt: It says it’s at house

I call him and he picks up immediately. “What the fuck do you mean it’s at my house!”

Eli and Asher turn to me shocked as Stephen just laughs to himself.

“Roy and I are heading there now. Closed up the bar—”

“I don’t give a fuck about the bar. Get there. We are on our way.”

I turn to Stephen and feel my heart pounding against my rib cage.

“Who the fuck have you been talking to!”

He laughs again. “Not so safe now, is she?”

I bring the knife down into his thigh and he screams as I hear Mary sobbing. I don’t stop as I bring it down again.

“Who the fuck is it!”

He groans and Eli grabs my arm.

“It doesn’t matter if he tells us, let’s go. We will find out for ourselves.”

I want to make him suffer. I want to watch him slowly bleed out and have me be the last thing he ever fucking sees. But Eli is right, we have to get to the house.

I turn to Asher and nod my head. He needs nothing else as he shoots Stephen before the stupid fuck even sees the gun. Mary screams hysterically as we grab our things and I glance at Jagger.
