Page 140 of Saving Kate

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I was briefly surprised my dad insisted on staying. Not that interrogating or getting his hands dirty is out of the realm of his interests, but because he seems just as ticked off as the three of us are on Katie’s behalf.

“Who do you work for?” My dad chuckles and shakes his head. “Don’t seem like you are head of this operation. What’s in it for you? The money or just all the young pussy?”

Asher clenches his fist, ready to get his turn at beating Russel’s face in. I subtly shake my head to Asher and he keeps his feet planted.

“That what this is? You want in?” Russel asks.

“You disgusting—” I start but my dad holds a hand up to stop me.

“Them? They wanna kill you for touching their bitch. Not me though. I want to know how it works,” he grins and crosses his arms. “Because I know a leader when I see one and it ain’t you, Doc. So, who is it?”

“Why the fuck would I tell you,” Russel snaps but his eyes are still weary as he eyes me before turning back to my dad.

“Because I’m your only hope of getting out of here alive, shitbag,” my dad chuckles and before I can register what he is doing, he has a gun pulled on Eli.

Eli’s eyes go wide in shock before turning to absolute rage. My hand flies to my own gun but my dad shakes his head without turning to me.

“Don’t even think about it, kid,” he warns me.

“You greedy fucker,” Asher sighs. “Put the fucking gun down!”

“Axel—” I snarl but my dad just shrugs.

“Speak now Doc or I’ll leave you to fend for yourself.”

I think part of me is clinging to hope my dad is bluffing. But between his poker face and the fact he really is a slime bag 98% of the time, I’m not completely confident. Not to mention he still has that gun pulled on Eli and I can see from Asher’s face that he’s as close to losing his control as I am.

“Put the fucking gun down and get the fuck out of here, Axel,” Eli hisses at him.

My dad just smirks.

“Don’t think you are in the position of making demands, kid. Hurry the fuck up, Doc. What’s it going to be?”

“You want me to believe you can get me out of here alive? It’s one against three. I ain’t telling any of you shit,” he laughs half heartedly and I can see the energy draining from his face as he tugs at the chains behind his back.

“Good luck to you then,” my dad smirks and moves to holster his gun.

The moment I reach for mine, Russel’s face pales. “Wait!”

My dad keeps his gun aimed at Eli and eyes me. “Watch those fingers boy. We both know I can be a little trigger happy.”

“I’m going to fucking kill you myself,” I warn him as I drop my hand back down.

“So, where we going, Doc? Who we calling?”

Russel glares at me but seems to relax as he glances back to the gun pulled on Eli. If this gets him talking, I don’t give a fuck if my dad is fucking with him or not. We will get our information then kill both of them if we have to. If my dad thinks for one second he’d just walk out of here to go join in some trafficking ring and we won’t shoot him in the back as he leaves then he’s a bigger dumbass than I thought.

“Harris,” Russel groans. “My brother.”

Asher cocks an eyebrow at me and I glance at Eli. Guess it is a family business.

“Nice try. Can’t find the bastard anywhere. Work says he went on a little vacation,” my dad tells him.

“Axel would you shut your fucking mouth,” I groan. “Put the fucking gun down. Neither of you are walking out of here.”

“Vacation?” Russel asks surprised and then laughs. “Just means he’s handling a loose end if he says he’s on vacation. I know where to find him.”

“Yeah, and he’s the mastermind behind all this?” My dad asks and shakes his head to answer the question himself. “No way he’d be able to run all this and then go and let his dumbass son fuck it all up.”
