Page 139 of Saving Kate

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Holding my gun at the ready, I push the door open. Whoever is in the bed is dead asleep and doesn’t even move.


I step quietly, vaguely making out the man’s short gray hair and aged face. I haven’t a clue if it’s Scott’s father but it doesn’t matter. I hold the gun to his temple and Axel shakes him.

“Rise and shine fucker,” Axel snaps at him.

The man groans and startles as his eyes blink furiously to rid the sleep from them.

“Who— the fuck—“ he starts and eyes the two of us. “Take anything you want!” He pleads quickly and throws his hands up in surrender.

“What’s your name?”

He looks at me confused and I use the gun to smack him.

“Wake up, shit bag!” I snap at him. “What’s your fucking name!”

“Ru-Russel! This isn’t even my place. Seriously, take whatever you want!”

“Check his ID,” I tell Axel and he digs around in the nightstand before pulling out a wallet.

“Russel Thorne,” he says, showing me the ID.

“Thorne? As in, Doctor Thorne?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

The guy looks at me surprised. “How did you know—“ he falls silent as I bash him again in the head with the gun.

His eyes close but I hit him once more for good measure, ignoring Axel's protests.

“He’s the fucking doctor,” I snap at him. “The one that raped Kate for years, then set up the NDA. I bet my ass he knows who else is fucking involved. Let’s go, help me get him to the car.”

Axel nods, shooting the man a dirty look. We gather up his wallet and phone before dragging him half naked down the stairs. Roy spots us and I motion for him to open the trunk. The heavy fucker takes all three of us to load him in and I slam the trunk shut a little harder than probably needed.

I can’t even feel any satisfaction that we found this fucker. All I can think about is I still haven’t found Kate. I can only hope Ax and Asher had better luck than us.



Walker Harris’ house is a dead end. The place is empty. And the fuckers at the dealership we confront at opening claim he is on vacation as of yesterday.

I’ll bet he fucking is. I’m gonna kill him. And that fucker Scott. The only thing keeping me from spiraling is the fact I have to keep my head straight to find Katie.

The first step towards that is this fat old fuck chained to the chair in front of me. His mouth is bleeding and his eyes are purple and swollen. I eye Eli and my dad but they both just shrug. Can’t say I blame them too much. Hopefully he’s still coherent enough to give me some answers.

Red is still at the house with Bianca, Colt and Lucky. Jagger showed up as soon as he heard what was going on and is now stationed in the security room of the warehouse with Roy watching for any messages from Colt or flags to the system that someone is approaching.

Asher dumps a bucket of water on Russel Thorne’s head and his eyes flutter as he gasps for breath.

“Rise and shine, Doctor,” I hiss at him as I tilt his chin up to face me with the blade of my knife.

“I have money,” he coughs, sputtering blood in my face.

I grimace and wipe at it with my shirt. I wouldn’t be surprised if the grabby doctor is littered with diseases.

“We don’t want your money,” Asher chuckles.

“W-what do you want?” He asks as his eyes flick around at the four of us.
