Page 146 of Saving Kate

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I look to Ax, Asher and Eli with desperation. I can’t just live in hiding and being scared to leave their side. I can’t just stay safe in their arms knowing now how many other people are being hurt and hunted.

“Then it looks like if we are doing this, we are gonna need some help,” Ax says and glances at the room of people.

“You suggesting The Vipers start down a whole new path of being some fucked up kind of superheroes?” Axel Senior grunts from the corner.

“I suggest,” Ax says, stepping towards his dad. “That The Vipers stop acting like scum looking for any payday they can get their hands on. Maybe set the bar slightly higher to include protecting those around us rather than selling them out to get some fast cash.”

Axel’s face turns red and I can’t tell if he may explode or start crying. It’s quiet and tense and I reach out for Ax’s hand to try and calm him. The basement door opens and Jewel appears in the kitchen rubbing sleep from her eyes.


Jayla quickly pulls her up into her arms and hugs her. “Hi baby, you should be sleeping.”

“I had a bad dream,” she says softly. “There were monsters trying to get in the house.”

Jayla glances at us all and blinks back her own tears. “Mommy won’t let any monsters get you, baby. How about I read you a story, okay?”

They disappear back down the stairs and Bianca flops into a chair next to Colt.

“How can I help?” She asks, breaking the silence.

“I’m in,” Colt says. “I got some guys that can help, too.”


“Me too.”

“I’m in.”

Slowly all the Vipers agree to my crazy dream of somehow taking down a trafficking ring and a gang that apparently even they are scared of. I haven’t a clue how we will do it. And I know it won’t be easy. Like Colt said, even if we take them down, there are so many other predators out there. But I can’t live with myself if I don’t try.

“Well shit,” Roy sighs. “Guess I’m in.”

Axel Senior clenches his fists and sighs. “I gotta go for a ride. I’ll be back.”



I storm after my dad but he’s already peeling off inmyfucking car. “Bastard,” I snap.

“I’ll have Colt track the car. Where the fuck is he even going?” Eli asks, shaking his head.

“Who fucking knows with him,” I groan.

I kiss Kate’s head when I get back to the kitchen and guide her to sit down next to Biana. She may not want to see a doctor and I can completely understand that. But at the end of the day, I need to know she is okay. The way she keeps grabbing her head or getting dizzy when she stands has me nervous. My friend Luka will be here in the morning and I’m sure Kate will throw a typical Katie-sized tantrum but it’s for her own good. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if she has something going on we don’t know about.

“Ax,” Eli says softly and nods to the computer screen that Colt is glued to.

I see red when I realize what road my dad is turning on.

“We should go,” he says quietly.

I eye Kate who looks at me worried and am about to object to leaving her when Asher bumps my shoulder.

“Go, I’ve got our girl.”

Kate’s cheeks turn pink at his words but I just smirk.

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