Page 147 of Saving Kate

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Our girl.

I don’t hate the sound of that. And I don’t hate that I can know she’s safe with him while I go see what the hell my father is up to. Eli and I head to his car and by the time we pull up to the large blue house with a wrap around porch, I feel sick to my stomach.

“You good?” Eli asks and I shake my head quietly.

I’m not good. I feel like I’m going to throw up. It’s a good thing I left my gun at home or I may just go in and start shooting. I haven’t been here since the day my dad got the heads up about his arrest warrant. He dragged me here practically kicking and screaming, demanding money for me to survive on my own.

I swore I’d never come back here again.

“Hey, look at me,” Eli snaps and I glance at him. “We can leave—“

“No. I need to know what the fuck he thinks he is doing here.”

Eli nods silently and we climb out of the car. I don’t bother knocking as I push the front door open. For my early childhood years this gorgeous house was my own personal hell.

I hear yelling and we make our way through the house until we find my dad, mom, and step dad, Matthew, in the living room. My dad has his gun on my step dad and while my mom looks like she’s going to pass out, my step dad is cocky enough to not even be blinking an eye.

“Jesus Christ,” I groan. “Put the fucking gun away, Axel.”

My mom looks like she’s seen a ghost as she looks at me and when she goes to stand up my dad points the gun on her. That gets a rise out of my step dad and he’s on his feet.

“Get that shit out of her face. The fuck do you want, Axel? And you? Thought you said we’d never see you again?” Matthew asks with a raised eyebrow as he throws my last words to him in his face.

“You don’t talk to my son,” my dad growls. “You hear me? You don’t even so much as look at him.”

Matthew rolls his eyes as my dad points the gun back at him. “So what? I can give you my money but I can’t talk to my own step son? God you haven’t changed a bit since prison, have you Axel?”

“Matthew,” my mom finally says softly and eyes me. “Axel,” she says nervously and eyes the gun. “Please. Let’s drop the gun and tell us what’s going on. Do you need something?”

I snort and shake my head.

“Let me guess,” Matthew sighs. “More money? How much? And for Christ’s sake put that gun away. Didn’t you get out of jail like a week ago?”

“I don’t need your money,” I hiss at him. “Let’s go Axel.”


I run a hand through my hair, fed up with my dad’s trigger happy hand and secret plans.

“I’ll buy you the fucking house myself, alright. Let’s get the fuck out of here—“

“A house?” Matthew snorts and eyes Axel. “I knew it would be something.”

“You want to know what I want?” Axel says quietly and steps so close to Matthew the barrel of the gun touches his temple.

I’ve seen my dad angry. I’ve seen him cocky. I’ve seen him simply trying to scare someone trying to fuck him over in a deal. But I don’t think I’ve ever been legitimately scared of him.

The look in his eyes right now, though?

It scares me.


“What, Axel,” Matthew says, still irritated but with his focus more on the gun now. “What do you want?”

“Get on your knees.”

Matthew’s face turns red and my mom stands up frantically. “Axel—“
