Page 23 of Saving Kate

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Asher: I meant between me and my boys, but you can work your way into my heart too, baby cakes

Kate: I read once that guys use pet names when they can’t remember a girl's name.

Asher: I’ll never forget your name, Kate.

I can’t stop myself from smiling despite myself. Stupid Asher making me forget I hate them all. I fall asleep with my phone in my hand and with the television turned up to tuneout Bianca’s moaning. By morning, they are sound asleep and I frown at the lack of caffeine in the kitchen.

My phone flashes with an incoming phone call and I see Eli’s name pop up.


“You really stayed out all night?”

I’m about to hang up but I realize he is laughing.

“Ax nearly had a stroke pacing all night,” he chuckles.

“Does he really think I’m so incompetent I have to stay under lock and key? My dad told me no such guidelines.”

“He’s just protective,” he says nonchalantly.

“That’s ridiculous. I’m basically a roommate.”

He sighs. “Yeah, but you also dropped some major news on us last night. That’s actually why I called. Can I pick you up for coffee?”

“To discuss my time locked in the psych ward? Pass. Even I don't want coffee that bad.”

Eli chuckles. “I’ll keep the questions to a minimum. And I’ll add donuts to it.”

I glance once more around Scott’s bachelor pad that is lacking both food and caffeine. “Fine. I’ll text you the address.”

I scribble a note to Scott and Bianca, letting them know I got a ride home and thanking them for letting me crash, about the same time Eli texts that he’s outside. I find him out front in a white sports car that seats only two people. I eye him and shake my head. “How did I not notice this car at the house?” I ask climbing in.

He grins. “You’ve not even explored the whole place yet.”

I shake my head. “Of course I haven’t.”

He flashes me another smile as he starts driving and I take the opportunity to look him over. His gray t-shirt clings to his biceps and the full sleeve of ink on his arm runs down to his finger tips.

“Like anything you see?” Eli asks with a cocky grin and I roll my eyes.

“Actually yeah, your tattoos are awesome.”

“Do you have any?” He asks as we pull into a diner.

“Yeah because giving mental patients tattoo guns is on the recreational list every week.”

He eyes me in surprise before laughing loudly. “Did you just make a joke about being in the hospital?”

I grin. “I’ve actually got tons more that I’ve been waiting to use so buckle up.”

Eli laughs again as he gets out of the car and I curse myself for checking out his backside. I blame the lack of caffeine and even more so the lack of social life the last few years. We find a table in the diner and the guy cooking at the open black top nods to Eli like they know each other. Eli nods back and we order coffees and pastries from the waitress.

“Ax didn’t mean what he said yesterday, just so you know.”

“Oh yeah? Which part? Your friend spews a lot of dumb shit.”

Eli just smirks. “True. But he wasn’t threatening you with a closet. It was just a smart ass comment.”
