Page 29 of Saving Kate

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He sighs and runs a hand over his chin as he scratches at the stubble. “Nothing, Katie. You haven’t done anything.”

With that he leaves the kitchen to head back outside, leaving me utterly confused.

“It’s Kate, jerk,” I mutter to myself and take another swig of the tequila before heading back out and handing the bottle over to Bianca.

“Alright, Kate, pick a partner! We’re playing chicken!” Bianca announces as she swims to Scott and climbs up on his shoulders.

I groan. “I suck at this game. I forfeit.”

Bianca snorts. “Absolutely not. Asher! Want to be Kate's partner?”

“Fuck yes!” He shouts and swims over without hesitation.

I, however, do hesitate. I frown at him but he just smiles up at me from where he is in the water. “I won’t drop you, pinky promise.”

I try to rack my brain for another excuse to avoid sitting on his shoulders, knowing my crotch will be right against his neck and his arms will be around my legs, but his puppy dog eyes and outstretched hand twists my stomach into giving in.

“Watch your hands or I’ll stick them in the garbage disposal,” I hiss at him.

“Brutal,” he chuckles. “Deal.“

I climb onto his shoulders, trying to calm my body as I resist the urge to kick him when his hands grip my thighs firmly. “Breathe, baby doll,” he says softly as his hand brushes my calf gently. “I got you.”

I finally nod. “Alright. Let’s go. Please, don’t drop me,” I groan.

Asher chuckles and makes his way towards the middle of the pool. “Ready?” Ax calls from the side with a smirk.

“Absolutely not!” I say pointing at Bianca. “Ground rules.”

Bianca rolls her eyes. “That was one time, Kate! We were 12!”

Scott snorts. “Hell of a lot more to see now, huh Bee?”

Bianca smacks his head and Asher tries to glance up at me. “What?”

“Bianca is very competitive,” I warn him. “And last time we played this, she undid my top so she could push me over.“

“It was an accident! And you grabbed mine as you were falling so we’re even.”

“Well, do it again and I’ll accidentally drown you,” I warn her and she grins.

“Fine, I'll play nice.”

“Is the princess done stating her ground rules?” Ax calls, bored, and I glare at him.

Bianca snorts. “What kind of fucked up princess are you?”

I stick my tongue at her and Ax finally signals to fight. I wrestle with Bianca as Scott and Asher hold us both steady and I try to knock her into the pool. Asher plays dirty and swipes at Scott’s feet catching him off guard and they both go under water. “Told you I had you, babe,” he says, bouncing me up and down, making me laugh.

Bianca and Scott come back up with their mouths on each other and I roll my eyes at them.

“Don’t get pregnant in the pool, please,” I groan and Bianca rolls her eyes at me.

“Such a prude,” she announces as Asher lifts me off his shoulders.

“Am not,” I half heartedly argue and she splashes me.

The rest of the night is spent with way too many drinks and I eventually find myself laying across the kitchen island, waiting for Bianca to make me an ice cream sundae.
