Page 39 of Saving Kate

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I nod to him, but when he doesn’t move I raise an eyebrow waiting. “Anything else?”

He just stares at Kate with a sad sigh.

“You’ve seen her like this before?” I ask and he silently nods his head. “And?”

“And she’s not going to be the same person when she wakes up I’m afraid,” he says sadly before giving me one last look that only increases the guilt I feel.




My body feels like it’s been run over by a truck. I roll over, groaning at the ache in my muscles. It takes a few minutes to figure out where I am, and once I do, I remember what happened with the doctor.

With Ax and Eli.

Knocking at the door reminds me what woke me in the first place but the swaying of the room keeps my voice trapped in my throat. The door cracks open and Asher glances around, looking surprised when his eyes land on me.

“Oh you’re awake,” he says then pauses. “What’s wrong? You okay?”

I lay my head back down with a groan. “Dizzy.”

“Probably dehydrated,” he says and holds up the bottle of water in his hands. “You’ve been in bed almost two days.”

“Of course I have,” I mumble.

I have vague memories of Asher sitting beside me in a chair, a horrid flash of me dry heaving into a toilet while Eli held my hair, and despite sleeping off and on the last two days I’m still so groggy and disoriented.

He lays the water on the nightstand beside me and sits on the edge of the bed. I groan as I scoot away from him.

“Go away.”

He gives me a sad smile, but doesn’t move. “You should eat something.”

I don’t answer and he sighs.

“I’m sorry, Kate.”

“Go away,” I repeat with some desperation in my voice.

“I’m going to get you some toast. Drink your water.”

He leaves the room and I take a breath as I attempt to sit up again and ignore the throbbing in my head. I sit on the edge of the bed, feeling gross about still being in the same shorts and t-shirt from the other day. I make to stand but the dizziness returns and I sit back down with a groan.

“What’s wrong?”

I turn to see Ax in the doorway with Eli and Asher close behind him. Asher pushes through, nudging Ax in the shoulder harder than probably necessary, as he sits the toast on the nightstand next to me.

“She’s dehydrated,” Asher snaps.

“I’m fine.”

All three guys eye me without a word.

“I want to shower, please go.”

Asher shakes his head. “You almost fell over just standing, you can’t shower.”
