Page 4 of Saving Kate

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Mary-Mae looks irritated that I cut her off as she goes back to her champagne. My father glares at me. “Sit down, Katelyn.”

“Axel is actually my father,” the guy across from me smirks with amusement.

“What the fuck are you doing in my house? Shouldn’t you be in a prison cell rather than taking up space at our dinner table?”

I hear a snicker next to me from either Eli or Asher, but Ax just glares at me.

“And what would I be in prison for, princess?”

“Drugs, trafficking, murder, gang violence? Take your pick. How much do you pay the cops to look the other way?”

“Enough!” My father snaps as his fist bangs against the table. “Eat your dinner,” he warns me.

I glare at him from where I’m still standing. My heart races and I can feel the blood rushing to my face out of anger. Axel West Senior leads the largest gang for miles. In my mind, he and his gang are the only ones capable of murdering my mother without so much as a single suspect after five years.

It doesn’t matter if the cops disagree, the whole town knows if someone goes missing or winds up dead, it’s The Vipers doing.

“I informed you all of my daughter’s, uh, condition since her mother’s murder. Please forgive her,” my father growls. “Do you need me to find your medication, Katelyn?”

The threat makes my blood run cold. On wobbly knees I carefully sit back down. Mary-Mae says something that my mind doesn’t register as she and my father bring up conversation about their upcoming trip.

“I’m feeling jet lagged, I’m going to go lay down.”

I push away from the table without another look towards anyone. I feel the bile creep up my throat, and it only increases when I hear Mary-Mae insist on showing me to my new room.

I glare at her as I let her lead me through the house. Instead of showing me to my room, she decides a grand tour is in order. We pass my father’s study along with another office lounge before she shows me the living area and leads me up the stairs. The second floor has her and my father’s room, a gaming room, a library and another office equipped with access to the security cameras lined throughout the house and grounds.

Edgar wasn’t lying when he mentioned security had been stepped up.

We silently pass the three guys as we head for the third floor and they go to the gaming room. I don’t miss Mary-Mae pushing her chest out as she mumbles hellos to them. She practically trips over her own feet at the top of the staircase and I roll my eyes at her as she smooths out her platinum hair.

“Could you be any more obvious?” I ask her, shaking my head. “They are half your age.”

“Shut your mouth, you little bitch,” she hisses at me.

My mouth parts slightly in surprise. The She Devil herself seems to have split personalities.

“Excuse me?” I ask her, disgusted.

She rolls her eyes at me. “Gladly. Find your own room.”

“Fucking bitch,” I mutter as she passes but of course she hears.

“You’ve ruined enough for me these last couple years. Keep your shit together while we are gone. I’m not cutting my vacation short to deal with any more of your drama.”

“My drama?” I snap at her.

She laughs wickedly. “As if your father would have known how to navigate your breakdowns on his own these last few years.”

I glare at her as her words register. I feel like she just threw a bucket of ice on me.

“You cunt,” I hiss and I step to her with my fists clenched.

I’m not typically a violent person but the anger shoots through me and I’m not sure how to contain it.

“Uh, uh, uh,” she warns me as she reaches into her pocket. “I’ve been fully informed how to react to your outbursts. Especially if I feel you are a threat to yourself or others,” she smirks. “We will be sure to let the boys know before we leave, of course,” she smiles smugly as she holds up the small vial of medication and waves it in my face.

I freeze.
