Page 8 of Saving Kate

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I’m going to kill him.

I’m going to fucking kill him.

“And how do I fix this?” I ask clenching the sides of the chair with shaky fists.

“After some therapy sessions, no inpatient stays, or fear of harm to yourself and others, I'm sure we can have it amended for you quickly. You’ve already been so independent for the last four years while abroad, I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.”

In other words, don’t let my father lock me up again and try to claim I’m insane.

“What does that mean exactly? About not making decisions for myself?”

“It varies, of course. Handling bills and making decisions about medical care. For example, I'm going to recommend this medication stop being filled. It doesn’t seem like you use it or need it, and I certainly don’t feel comfortable prescribing such a high dose. Perhaps we can prescribe something else, just as needed, to help with the panic attacks that’s not so strong. Your father will just need to sign off on the treatment plan.”

Fat chance there.

“Got it.”

“I do want to see you again next week. Let’s set a goal of you finding a new hobby? Maybe reconnect with some friends now that you are back home? And I’m going to give you some paperwork on grounding techniques for the panic attacks.”

I thank her, trying to keep my anger at bay. It isn’t her fault she’s oblivious to the piece of shit my father is. Once she leaves, I look around and find Edgar playing cards with one of the security guards on the front porch.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt. Do you know if my dad has my phone anywhere around here?” I ask awkwardly.

Edgar smiles but before he can answer I feel the hairs on my neck stand up.

“It’s right here, princess. Brand new and just for you,” I hear.

I turn and glare at Ax as he holds up a phone still in the box for me. I go to take it but he refuses to let go, eyeing me. “And what do we say?”

“I’ll be sure to tell my father thank you for sending his messenger boy to bring me my things.”

Edgar chuckles softly but Ax glares at him over my shoulder. I take advantage of his distraction to grab the box away from him and head back inside. I sit at the kitchen island, watching the woman that cooked our meal last night preparing food.

“Ah, Katelyn right? I’m Rhonda. I’m here during the week to prepare meals. Can I get you anything for lunch?”

“Just some coffee, please.”

She frowns but nods as she starts the pot of coffee. I get the phone together and dial my father’s number, not surprised when it goes to his voicemail. I dial the only other number I remember by heart and pray this time someone answers.


“BEE!” I shout.

“You’re shitting me. Kate?!”

“The one and only,” I chuckle and she squeals in my ear.

Eli and Asher join the room and eye me strangely but I ignore them as I smile into the phone.

“God, I’ve missed you! Where are you?”

“My dad’s fancy new place.”

“You’re back in Hillswood?! Text me the address. I’m coming over.”

“Only if you bring vodka,” I grin.

“Girl, it’s one in the afternoon!”

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