Page 9 of Saving Kate

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“So, obviously I’m bringing tequila instead.”

I laugh loudly as she hangs up and I text her the address. I slide off the stool at the kitchen island, ignoring the stares at my back. I quickly shower, cringing at the sparkly rainbow bathroom decor, and pull on a sundress as I hear the doorbell ringing. I rush downstairs just as Ax is pulling the door open. I push him aside without hesitation and pull Bianca into my arms. She screeches with excitement as she hugs me back.

Despite four years apart, nothing seems to have changed between us. Even her smooth black bob and bright blue eyes are the same as I remember.

“We have so much to catch up on,” she says with a grin as she eyes Ax like she wants to screw him right there in the foyer. “I’m Bianca. And you are?”

Ax rolls his eyes without an answer before turning to walk away.

“A rude and uninvited house guest that apparently doesn’t leave, is what he is,” I mumble and Bianca laughs loudly.

“Come on, give me the grand tour! Is there a pool?”

“I just got here last night. Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Through the side kitchen door,” I hear and turn to see Edgar grinning at us.

I thank him as Bianca drags me through the house with her many bags in tow. She stops short in the kitchen as her eyes scan over Ax, Asher, and Eli.

“Is there a male strip club in the basement that you didn’t tell me about?“ she asks, eyeing me.

Eli snorts and Asher grins as he leans across the counter top to wink at her. If I’m not mistaken he seems to be flexing his arms as well.

“Yeah and it only features gang bangers,” I mutter as I drag her to the patio doors.

One of the guys calls me a bitch, I’m guessing Ax, and I ignore them as I close the door behind us. The large patio is partially covered by an awning and to the side is an Olympic size pool with a connected hot tub.

“You have two seconds to fill me in on these gang bangers then I’m jumping in the pool,” she grins.

“Did you even bring a suit?” I laugh and she just winks at me. “And not much to tell. Apparently they live here. That’s literally all my dad told me.”

“Yeah because your dad’s a royal piece of shit,” she says as her eyes flick behind me.

The three guys don’t even pretend to have missed her comment as they join us on the patio. I cross my arms to glare at them.“I’m sorry, do I have ‘Party Host’ written on my forehead? What do you want?”

“You aren’t the only one that wants to go for a swim, sweetheart,” Asher says with a grin.

He pulls his shirt up over his head before quickly running to the pool and cannon balling in. I groan in irritation but Bianca grins widely.

“My turn,” she says as she quickly loses her shorts and tank top.

With no shame or second thought she jumps into the pool in her bra and panties. I try to keep a straight face but just laugh at her and shake my head. Eli quickly joins the other two in the water as I walk over to sit on the edge.

“Scared of a little water?” Eli asks, laughing at me.

Before I can even answer, I feel myself propelled forward and my head dunks under water. I come up, spitting water, and turn my angry gaze at Ax who is now in the pool. He smirks at me and I splash at him.

“I’m in clothes you asshole!”

He shrugs and says nothing.

“So, what’s this about your pops being an asshole?” Asher asks as his eyes flick to me and Bianca.

Bianca, my lovely friend with no filter, doesn’t hold back. “He’s a royal douche. Slimey as they come. And I’m only allowed to say that because my dad isn’t much better,” she snorts.

“Speaking of your dad, do you think you could ask him something for me?” I ask suddenly.
