Page 90 of Saving Kate

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“You say it all like it’s so easy. Sure, let me just go jump from bed to bed like a whore.”

I sit my ass up on the kitchen island with a defeated sigh and Bianca jumps up next to me.

“Alright, serious question,” she sighs. “Beside that piece of shit doctor, do you even have any experience?”

I glare at her. She knows I don’t.

“Exactly. You are nowhere near a whore. And that’s coming from me,” she winks. “You know I have plenty of experience. You aren’t married or even in any type of relationship. And even if youwere, who says you have to have a specific type of relationship, you know? That’s up to you and whoever else to decide.”

I find it interesting her firm stance seems to be reassuring both of us on our unique relationships at the moment.

“Slow your vent. I can feel the lecture coming,” I chuckle. “I never even said I wanted a relationship or know if any of them do.”

“So, then what do you want, Kate?” Bianca asks, eyeing me.

I chuckle as the pathetic answer falls off my lips. “To be happy?”

“Such a hopeless romantic!” Bianca teases and I laugh. “All I know is keep me updated because if you get all three into bed, I want details. That’s something even I haven’t tried yet.”

“Oh my god, I’m going to die right here and now,” I laugh. “And it would probably only be two,” I wink at her.

“Two? Oh no, girl. All three. Guarantee it.”

“Pretty sure Ax still wants to lock me in his basement most days,” I groan.

“It’s a furnished basement,” I hear and nearly fall off the counter as Ax eyes me curiously. “And why am I locking you in the basement?”

Words fumble from my lips but thankfully Bianca is quicker than me.

“Because if you hated your door being pink, you’re really gonna hate what is planned next.”

I chew my lip to keep from laughing as Ax raises an eyebrow as though daring me to continue redecorating his house.

Eli and Asher chuckle as they push past him to come inside and Scott comes over to kiss Bianca’s shoulder.


“When does school start?” Scott asks as we grab our burgers and find seats throughout the kitchen.

The heat lightning intensifies and as much as I love watching storms, I’m not a fan of sitting directly under them.


“That’s awesome. I’m sure my dad can help get you a car for cheap, I’ll talk to him this weekend,” Scott lets me know and I thank him.

“Can you drive?” Asher asks.

Bianca snorts and I shoot her a dirty look.

“I haven’t had much practice,” I remind her and she rolls her eyes at me.

“I don’t even know if practice would help. I swear your mom almost pissed herself trying to teach you.”

I frown at her. “When?”

Bianca looks at me confused; as though she doesn’t get the joke.

“In that parking lot off 78th? She let us both have a turn before she brought me home.”
