Page 97 of Saving Kate

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“Be careful,” he says standing and coming to sit on the side of the bed. “You hit your head when you passed out. You have some butterfly tape on it,” he says motioning to my throbbing forehead.

When I still don’t say anything, he reaches his hand out to grasp my hand. I pull out of his reach. “Damn Kate, say something. Please.”

What am I supposed to say?

The door opens slowly and Asher’s face shows shock when his eyes land on me.

“You’re up. Fuck. Hey.”

He comes to the bed too quickly for my nerves to handle. I shudder away from his grasp and despite the throbbing in my head, I push myself up off the bed.

“Woah, easy,” they both say nervously as I wobble on my feet.

It doesn’t matter what they say. I can’t stay here. I can’t sit here. I can’t be near them.

I head back to my room, not oblivious to the footsteps trailing me. I push my door open, ignoring the fact it’s barely hanging on the hinges correctly, but come to a halt when I find Ax sitting on my bed. His elbows rest on his knees with his head in his hands. He glances up at the sound of the door opening and stands when he sees me.

“Katie,” he hesitates, and I glare at him.

Ugh, even that little facial expression makes my head pound. I pray I don’t throw up.

“Come sit, you look pale,” Eli says, coming to my side.

I step away from him, refusing to sit.

“Damn it, you are going to pass out again. Would you sit the fuck down?” Ax snaps.

My fists clench at my sides. I step to him as his jaw hardens. “You have been lying to me since I got here. Did you know? You’ve known all these years?”

He doesn’t say anything but I watch his chest rise and fall quicker.

“Fuck you. Fuck all of you.”

“Kate, this can wait. You can be mad in the morning and we can explain. You need to sleep,” Eli sighs, running his hand through his hair.

“I need to sleep?!” I shout at him. “You have all been hiding things from me! Stupid me for thinking it wasn’t something like my dad killed my mom!”

I turn back to Ax and feel my body tremble.

“Why were you there, Ax! How did you know I was in that closet?!”

I’m grateful my voice stays even and I don’t have tears in my eyes.

“Katelyn!” Asher shouts, making me jump. “You just had a panic attack, passed out, and split your fucking head open! You need to give yourself a break.”

“You need to kiss my ass, Asher. All of you. I want to know, right now, and then I’m gone. I’m done with all of these lies! You accused me of having something to do with her death but in actuality you knew! You fucking knew what happened to her!”

“We weren’t sure if you and your dad planned it together,” Ax says flatly.

“Dude, she doesn’t need to hear this right now,” Eli argues.

Before I can snap at him, Ax shakes his head. “You want to hear it? Then I’ll fuckin’ tell you. But you aren’t leaving. Not after you passed out like that and not when I still don’t know if you are safe.”

“My dad’s a murderer, some grabby doctor is the least of my worries right now, you jackass.”

“Your dad is the one I’m worried about, now sit the fuck down,” Ax hisses.

I want to stand just out of defiance. But my body is still vibrating with anger and the bile is burning my throat. I sit down on the bed and when Ax sits next to me, I move away from him to create space.
