Page 98 of Saving Kate

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“Your dad is shit with money,” Ax starts, and I almost laugh. “I don’t have enough time to go into the details so just leave it at that. This all comes back to your dad being shit with money.”

He sighs and Asher looks like his head may explode as Eli leaves to pace the hallway.

“My dad’s a piece of shit, too,” Ax says, glancing at me. “But for one reason or another he was sweet on your mom. And she trusted him. She started coming around a few years before she died, when she was scared to go home mostly.”

I furrow my brows. I never remember my mom not coming home or my dad ever asking where she was.

“She brought you, sometimes. Edgar would take you to get ice cream while my dad and I talked to your mom. She was worried your dad was going to do something drastic to try and get the trust fund your grandparents left you.”

“How does killing her get him my trust fund? My mom was never scared of him, I don’t—”

“You don’t remember,” Ax sighs. “Let me just finish telling you for now.”

“You don’t need—” Asher starts and Ax glares at him.

“Shut up,” he warns him. “Your mom was gonna leave with you. Come and stay in Viper territory,” Ax tells me. “That house you were in when she died, it was her rental. She got it set up and had planned to propose to your dad that when you turned 21, she’d make you sign the entire thing over to him. In return, he’d give her a divorce and full custody and leave you both alone.”

I shake my head. It’s like I’m being told of someone else’s life. I can’t remember any of this.

“While she went to go talk to him, she left you at the rental with me and my dad. She got back and she was frantic. Said your dad wouldn’t hear it and didn’t want to wait for the trust fund. Said he had other plans of how to come up with the money he needed. We asked what she meant but she wouldn’t even talk about it, just said it would never happen and she wouldn’t let him get you.”

I won’t let him get Katie.

Quick Katie, pack up your things we have to go.

“She was worried he was following her so we went to go check the block. She told us to have the car ready and we’d leave. My dad was going to just bring you both to our place. It was a shithole but at least you’d both be safe. We circled the block and didn’t see anything so we were just waiting outside. My dad started to get worried about how long you were both taking and he was about to head inside when he saw your dad running out the back. My dad took off after him,” Ax sighs and rubs his temples.

“I was only 17, I didn’t know what to do. I started to run after them too but… I was worried about you and your mom. I found her on the floor, the room she was in was set on fire. It was spreading everywhere. I looked everywhere for you, Katie. I thought maybe your dad took you so I went to leave but… I swore I heard you crying. I looked through once more and then I realized it was coming from the closet. The entire closet door was in flames.”

I’ve got you Katie, it’s gonna be okay.

“Why did you think I was part of it?” I finally ask after a minute.

My own voice sounds unfamiliar. Far away. Distant.

Or maybe it’s a concussion.

“I went to see you in the hospital. All you did was scream that you didn’t know me and yelled for help. I tried reminding you that I wasn’t trying to hurt you, that I got you out of the closet—”

“And I had a panic attack,” I hesitate, remembering pieces of it.

It’s quiet for a bit and I shake my head.

“I think that’s the last time I even talked to anyone about being in the closet. I never even questioned how I got out of it. I just… blocked it all out. I’m so stupid,” I whisper.

“You aren’t stupid, Kate,” Asher sighs.

“We should have told you a lot sooner,” Eli snaps glaring at Ax.

“I was pissed!” Ax snaps standing up to face Eli. “I fucked up. You want to punch me again? Cause I’ll fucking hit back this time.”

“Why did you say you are still worried about my dad?”

They all eye me.

“You said I can’t leave, why? I’m done with being lied to.”

“I can’t tell you everything right now,” Ax says through gritted teeth and I see his fists flex at his side. “There’s stuff that I can’t say, yet and I just need you to trust me.”
