Page 20 of Safe & Sound

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“You did what?” Kenji asked incredulously.

“You heard me,” Ajax said with a sigh as he held the phone against his ear. “I totally fucked things up.”

“I leave you alone for thirty goddamn minutes, and you screwed the pooch? If you didn’t want Drake, that was all you had to say. I would have taken him off your hands.”

Ajax let out a low snarl.

“Don’t snarl at me,” Kenji said. “You’re the one who acted like a passive-aggressive asshole. I knew I should’ve stuck around. If I’d known you were this terrible at closing the deal, I would have schooled you years ago. Don’t tell me you’re still a virgin.”

“What?” Ajax shook his head. “Hardly. This isn’t about me closing a damn deal, Kenji. We had a fight.”

“Which you started,” he said. “Granted, Drake’s not really my type. I don’t like my guys so heavyset, but he’s still hot.”

“He’s fucking perfect,” Ajax argued. “And I wasn’t asking you to take him off my hands. Keep talking like that and trying to get away from your alpha is going to be the least of your worries.”

Just thinking about Kenji touching Drake made Ajax want to rip the wolf’s throat out. If only he and Drake had bonded, Ajax might not feel so out of control. Maybe. Possibly. He would still have to work this aggressive shit out of his system, and only sex would do that, but he couldn’t have sex if Drake wasn’t there.

“Simmer down,” Kenji said. “Couples fight all the time. All you have to do is put your face directly in front of his ass and kiss it multiple times until he forgives you.”

“You could have just said I have to grovel,” Ajax stated.

“I like my description a lot better.” Kenji laughed. “Just call him and ask him to come by or show up at his house with flowers.”

Ajax groaned. “I didn’t get his phone number and I don’t know where he lives.”

“Oh, well then, you’re screwed,” Kenji said. “What idiot doesn’t get his mate’s phone number right off the bat?”

“This idiot.” Ajax dropped onto the sofa, wishing to god he could start his day over. It had been going so well, Drake accepting the fact that shifters existed and that they were mates.

Then it had all gone to shit because Ajax didn’t have two brain cells to rub together. He still couldn’t believe that Drake had tried to knee him in the balls, though. That had been a bold move, one Ajax hadn’t expected.

He was just glad his reflexes were quick, or he’d be sitting there with an ice pack on his lap.

“I had no idea you would need this much emotional support when you called,” Kenji said. “Do you need me to come by and hold your hand through this?”

“I hate you,” Ajax said.

“You love me,” Kenji countered. “I tell you what. I’ll track him down, woo him into talking to you again, and then maybe I’ll give him back to you.”

“I really am going to nail your hide to my wall.” Ajax got up and started pacing in front of the fireplace on the far wall. He had to find a way to fix this. Clearly kissing his mate hadn’t worked, as Ajax had hoped. All that had gotten him was a knee to his thigh.

Kenji burst out laughing. “You’re too easy. You need to chill, Ajax. Drake feels the connection. The pull will bring him back to you. Just don’t fuck this up again. Now, unless you really do need me to come over and hold your hand, I gotta go.”

Ajax hung up and tossed his phone onto the nearest table. He wanted to hunt Drake down, but his gut told him to let his mate come to him. If Drake wasn’t ready to see him, Ajax would only make matters worse by showing up at his house or wherever the human was.

He was still dying to know who Drake was talking to, but if Ajax didn’t want to come off as a jerk again, he needed to let that go. He hadn’t seen a ring on Drake’s finger, so he was going to assume his mate wasn’t married. That still didn’t answer whether or not Drake had a boyfriend.

That was a horror show he didn’t want to deal with.

He would give it until morning, and then Ajax was hunting down his mate.

* * * *

Drake had started toward home to deal with Brody but ended up driving to Tido’s house. Brody could wait. Drake had more pressing matters to deal with. Honestly, Elijah hadn’t been any help. All he’d done was point out Drake’s flaws.

That wasn’t what Drake wanted to hear. Then again, what did he really want to hear from Tido? That he should stay away from Ajax? That being with Ajax was a huge mistake?

Drake wasn’t ignoring this like Elijah claimed. He wasn’t. He just wanted more advice before he went to the café. That was reasonable. Drake wanted to be armed with the best advice before he faced Ajax.
