Page 23 of Safe & Sound

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“Let it go, Drake.” Tido stood. “I was just about to make a sandwich. Do you want one?”

Just then Drake’s stomach growled. “Sure.”

When Tido walked away, Drake got up and looked out the window, like the answers he was seeking would be out there staring right back at him.

He knew he was going to see Ajax. He missed the guy too damn much, but he was also laying down some rules and setting boundaries, because hell if Drake was going to let Ajax run him.

Drake frowned when he saw a guy walking out of his house across the street. It was Kenji. What were the odds that he lived across the street from Tido?

Shaking his head, Drake moved away from the window. He didn’t want Kenji seeing him because Drake didn’t want to talk to the guy right now.

“He’s hot as shit,” Tido said from behind Drake, scaring the hell out of him. He hadn’t heard his friend approach. “I saw him move in yesterday.”

“He’s okay.” Drake didn’t want to admit he knew Kenji. Tido might ask too many questions, questions Drake didn’t want to deal with right now.

“Are you blind?” Tido looked wide-eyed at him. “He’s the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. I wish I knew his name.” His friend winked. “It would make my nights a lot better.”

“Gross,” Drake said. “I don’t want to know about what you do in your bed at night.”

“Probably the same thing you do,” Tido said. “Stop acting like such a prude. I’m the prude, remember?”

“The guy who likes quiet sex,” Drake teased.

“You should try it sometime.” Tido handed Drake a plate with a sandwich on it. “Quietness makes things more exciting.”

Drake doubted that, but he was done talking about sex with Tido. “Thanks.”

“Take it to go.” Tido shooed him toward the door. “Go make up with Ajax and have amazing sex, Drake. Stop sabotaging things before they’ve even started. I’m going to go back to stalking my new neighbor through my window.”

“Yes, mother.” Drake walked to the door, praying Kenji was already gone. “I’ll call you later.”

“I want the juicy details.” Tido laughed. “And I promise not to breathe a word about what you told me.”

Drake liked that Tido now knew. He just wished the guy found someone worthy of him. Alan was the wrong guy. Tido needed someone who wouldn’t use him, who cherished him, too.

Drake drove to town, munching on his turkey sandwich. He loved that Tido had added lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. That was one thing he liked about knowing a guy since they were little. Tido knew what Drake liked and vice versa.

He also knew what Elijah and Gage liked, though he’d only known Gage for two years. Best friends for life. Now Julian was included. Drake liked the server at Deep Dish. The guy was apparently mates with the sheriff, but now Drake wondered what sort of shifter Sheriff Harper was.

Ajax had said that Sheriff Harper was a shifter. He just failed to mention what kind.

When Drake pulled in front of Bluebird Café, his heart raced. He couldn’t wait to see Ajax, but he also had to prepare himself for the difficult conversation he knew they had to have. He wasn’t going to let Ajax take over his life just because they were mates. Drake had been on his own for too long to let anyone control him.

Walking into the café, he spotted Ajax behind the counter, his tattoos visible from afar. He looked even better than earlier, if that was possible. Drake’s heart skipped a beat as their eyes met.

“Hey,” Ajax said, wiping his hands on a towel.

“Hey,” Drake replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

Ajax walked around the counter and stood in front of him, towering over him with his height. Drake had never been attracted to anyone’s pure masculinity like he was to Ajax’s. It was almost overwhelming.

Ajax’s dark gray eyes flickered with desire, but there was something else there, too. Remorse, maybe? Drake wasn’t any good at reading someone’s eyes. He actually sucked at it.

“I was an asshole.” Ajax’s voice was low and rough. “Can we start over?”

Drake took a deep breath. “I’ve been accused off sabotaging every relationship I’ve been in, which is only two, if you’re wondering.”

