Page 34 of Safe & Sound

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Drake was relieved that Ajax wouldn’t be paying a higher cost for the windows. “Thanks.”

With a low growl—that sound turned Drake on—Ajax pulled Drake into his strong arms. “I’d do anything for you, sweetheart.”

Drake melted on the spot.

Until a knock sounded on his door, ruining the moment and any potential make-out sessions they could have had.

“I’ll get it.” Ajax pulled away, making Drake want to stomp his foot. He was grateful for the help, but he just wished his mate’s friends could have waited at least an hour before showing up.

Drake was shocked to see Roman and Mason at his door considering they both had a business to run. Even Kenji was there, a toolbelt around his waist.

Where did he get a toolbelt if he wasn’t in Midnight Falls for long? Had he brought it with him when he decided to visit Ajax? What a strange thing to do.

But it was more surprising to see Fire Chief Dillon Scott and the owner of The Sugar Well, a guy named Tillman. In Drake’s opinion, Tillman was a huge guy, pure muscle, odd for someone who ran a place filled with candy.

If Drake had run The Sugar Well, he’d have to be rolled around because he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from eating his own inventory.

“What can I do?” Drake didn’t want to stand around while everyone else fixed his house. Not that he knew anything about home repairs, especially fixing big holes in the walls or replacing the glass in windows.

“You can start by getting us something cold to drink.” Mason winked at him. “And a whole lot of snacks. This is going to be a big job.”

Drake could do drinks and snacks. It was the least he could do for the guys who were helping him out.

After an hour, Ajax pulled Drake aside. “I need to talk to you for a second.”

Drake had no idea what his mate wanted but followed Ajax to the bathroom. Why were they meeting in the bathroom? Drake had no idea until Ajax shut the door then pinned him against it.

“Make-out session?” Drake chuckled. “Won’t your friends, who have heightened senses, hear us?”

Ajax shoved his hand down the front of Drake’s jogging pants, curling his fist around Drake’s cock. “Let them hear us. Besides, we’re in our honeymoon period.”

“What’s that?” Drake had never heard of such a thing. Sure, he’d heard of honeymoons, but he had a feeling the meaning was different for nonhumans.

Ajax tightened his fist, making Drake’s eyes cross as his cock was squeezed to a sultry level.

“It’s when a preternatural finds his or her mate.” Ajax started jerking Drake off. “All we think about is sex. The period lasts roughly fourteen days, but it can go longer.”

“So you’re basically horny as shit for two weeks?” Drake leaned his head against the door as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He arched his hips forward, fucking Ajax’s hand.

“Yes. Horny. So fucking horny.” Ajax released Drake’s cock, and Drake wanted to punch him for doing that, until his mate spun him around, dropped to his knees, lowered Drake’s pants, and separated his cheeks.

Drake sucked in a breath as Ajax began to dine on his hole. He scrunched up his face while his mouth dropped open. He was also pretty sure he was drooling uncontrollably. That tongue was filled with magic, hitting all the right spots as Ajax drove it inside Drake’s ass.

He dug his nails into the wood of the door, rising up on his toes. Then Drake thrust backward as Ajax inserted what felt like two fingers instead of one. His mate twisted his fingers as he continued to suck and lick, grazing Drake’s prostate.

“Oh fuck.” Drake’s voice dropped a few octaves, making it sound deeper than it actually was. Ajax was turning him inside out. If he could, he would climb up the door. That was how good it felt, like Drake needed to get away before he exploded into dust from the most epic orgasm of all time.

“I’m s-s-so close,” Drake whined as Ajax’s fingers fucked his ass like they were a dick. “Ajax, please.”

Yes, Drake turned into a whiny little bitch when it came to wanting to get off. He didn’t care what he sounded like and if the other men could hear him.

Ajax rose to his full height behind Drake, and then Drake heard a zipper. Seconds later, Ajax was parting his cheeks again, only this time he was pressing his dick against Drake’s hole instead of his tongue.

“I’m too short,” Drake protested, even though he didn’t want Ajax to stop. “This isn’t going to work.”

“It will.” Ajax slid his hands under Drake’s thighs and lifted him so easily that Drake was impressed. With Ajax’s strength, it was as if Drake’s extra forty pounds was nothing to him.

Drake gasped and wiggled when he felt his mate’s cock stretching him wide. He hissed and closed his eyes, still certain he had a drool path that ran down to his chin. He kind of knew what Ajax meant when he mentioned the honeymoon period because, since meeting his mate, all Drake had thought about was having sex with his gorgeous wolf.
