Page 36 of Safe & Sound

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“I want to have sex with you in the back of my truck.” Ajax nipped Drake’s neck, making Drake gasp then sigh. “In the parking lot at Wild Tiger. In the woods on one of my runs, right under the night sky.”

“Stop.” Drake clung to Ajax. “You make me want to shove you out the back door so you can go for your run.”

With a smile, Ajax pulled back, took Drake’s hand, and opened the bathroom door.

On the other side, Mason stood. “About goddamn time. I’ve had to piss for ten minutes now.”

“I have a half-bathroom in the basement,” Drake said, feeling his face catch fire.

“Like I knew that.” Mason waved for them to get out of the bathroom. As soon as they did, he walked in and slammed the door shut.

Drake snickered. “Do you think he heard us?”

“I think the entire house heard you scream.” Ajax gave him a quick kiss. “But they know better than to say anything.”

It would be completely embarrassing if any of the men teased him about his bathroom escapade.

They walked back into the living room where most of the men were hard at work. Ajax was right. No one brought up what had just taken place.

Soon enough, the repairs were done, including new glass in the windows. The men even stayed for dinner and a few beers, and they took turns telling stories of their adventures. Which was kicked up a notch considering they were shifters. Their adventures were wild stories, and Drake loved it.

He listened intently, happy to know that he was part of such a great group of people. He felt lucky to have a mate like Ajax, who had been there every step of the way, helping him out and making sure the repairs were done.

Of course, there was a dark side to it, too. After all, if Brody hadn’t been such a mooch, none of this would have been necessary. And if Brody—Drake was positive it was his cousin who’d done this—hadn’t thrown the biggest, most violent tantrum, Drake’s house wouldn’t have needed all the repairs.

Thankfully his cousin hadn’t shown his violent side when Drake was around. Brody was larger than him and had honed muscles that would have destroyed Drake if his cousin had taken out his anger on him instead of his house.

After dinner, and once the men were gone, Drake walked over to one of the patched holes and pressed his palm against it. The circumference of the drying plaster was larger than Drake’s hand. Then he looked around at all the patched holes. It felt as if someone had taken a super-sized paintbrush and made white polka dots all over his living room. He counted at least a dozen patch jobs.

And that was only in the living room. There were plenty more patch jobs throughout his home. If Brody had done all this with his fist, Drake was pretty sure the guy’s hand was broken.

Ajax walked up behind Drake and wrapped his arms around him. “What’re you thinking?”

“That I’m grateful to have you,” Drake said. “I’m also grateful I wasn’t home when Brody decided to explode with anger. I never thought he was the violent type.”

His cousin had never shown any signs. He’d been upset when Drake had told him to leave, but he’d acted more like he was desperate to stay than raging about it.

“You never know what someone has inside of them,” Ajax said.

“Like a guy who has a wolf inside of him?” Drake teased, trying to ease the tension building inside himself. What if Brody snuck back to Drake’s house and took out all that anger on him?

“Yep.” Ajax kissed the side of Drake’s neck. “I want you to stay by my side.”

“I can’t.” Drake turned in Ajax’s arms. “I have to work tomorrow.”

As much as Drake would love to have Ajax as his bodyguard, he had bills to pay. And he doubted his boss would let him take time off until Brody was caught.

Drake still had to prove his cousin had done all this damage. It was his word against Brody’s.

“I never asked where you work,” Ajax said.

“Petals of Love,” Drake replied.

“You’re a florist?” Ajax’s brows rose.

“Kylo is the florist. I’m just there to stock shelves, take orders, clean, and do whatever menial task he asks of me.”

Drake loved his job. Kylo was a great boss, but he was also a stickler for details. There were times when Kylo drove Drake crazy.
