Page 6 of Safe & Sound

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Kenji rubbed a hand over the fuzz on his head. “Going for a new look. I see you still wear your hair like the wind swept it away.”

“Maybe it did.” Ajax chuckled, glad to see his old friend. The last time he’d seen Kenji was the night Ajax had packed his things and left.

Since he’d come to Midnight Falls and bought the café from a sweet old lady. He’d never changed the interior, loving the ambiance, though he’d made a few modern updates.

Like the oven. It had been in a sad state when Ajax had bought the place. Now he had two ovens to help him get out the day’s specials and do some special orders on the side, though the local bakery wasn’t too happy with him when he did that.

Ajax wasn’t competing with Sweet Spot. He liked the owner. Sanjay was a little impala shifter, and Ajax respected him too much to become competition, even if his wolf saw Sanjay as a meal.

“Where’re you staying?” Ajax asked as he crossed his arms and leaned his ass against the counter.

“Rented out this small house in town,” Kenji said.

Ajax had expected his friend to say the motel or some Airbnb. “You rented a house? How long are you planning on staying?”

“Maybe a month,” Kenji said. “I need a break from the backstabbing, constant bickering, and Kramer’s bullshit. I figured four or five weeks should be enough time to stop my wolf from tearing out his throat or one of his fan’s throats.”

Kramer might have been the worst choice when it came to leaders, but even Ajax had to admit how good-looking the guy was, and Kramer did have charm. Enough to convince pack members to follow him around like puppies.

And that was before he’d become alpha. No doubt those fans still hung on Kramer’s every word.

Kenji would have been the perfect replacement for Ajax, but the guy never wanted the burden. Ajax hadn’t wanted it either, but he’d been groomed since birth to be alpha of their pack.

After his father died, Ajax saw no point in continuing to do a job he had no passion for. Not to say he didn’t give it his all, but being alpha hadn’t been his life’s ambition.

Owning a business had.

Something from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Ajax spotted Elijah and Drake getting out of a car. Ajax followed Drake’s every move, happy to see his mate had returned.

When Drake had come into the shop yesterday, Ajax had been intrigued by the human. When he’d smelled cherry blossoms emanating from Drake, Ajax had known he’d found his mate.

Only, Drake had hauled ass, as if afraid of Ajax.

“See the guy on the left?” Ajax asked.

Kenji looked to his right and nodded. “The heavyset guy.”

“He’s not heavyset,” Ajax snarled. “He’s my mate.”

Kenji’s brows shot up. “I meant no offense, Ajax. Does he know?”

“Not yet, so keep your mouth shut.”

“And the other guy?” Kenji asked with an air of interest in his voice.

“Already mated,” Ajax replied. “To a Bengal tiger.”

“You didn’t have to tell me to who,” Kenji said. “As soon as you said mated, my interest plummeted.”

“Hey, Ajax,” Elijah said as the two entered.

“Hey, Elijah, Drake,” Ajax said. It took every ounce of self-restraint not to pull Drake into his arms and tell Kenji and Elijah to get out. Ajax loved how Drake looked, with his soft brown hair and pretty green eyes. He wanted to kiss his mate for hours and get lost in his scent.

Kenji chuckled. “You got it bad. You look like you’re already lovestruck. How long have you known?”

“Since last night.”

His friend winced. “They both smell human. Does he know you’re a wolf?”
