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And as he struggled to keep me flush against him, he subconsciously moved the hand holding the knife to my abdomen. Between the rush of my fight and the strength of his reaction, the blade turned its angle against me just perfectly.

White hot pain seared through the middle of my stomach. I stopped moving and looked down to see the handle of the knife sticking out of my body like an extra limb. Red liquid began to seep through my white shirt, and I knew.

I just knew.


“No!”A roar blasted out through my lungs before I could stop it. A series of events happened all at once in record time. Not a single moment was wasted as Ace tackled Amadeus, pinned him to the ground, and locked him in a secure hold. Celeste immediately grew ghostly pale as she fell to the ground. I rushed out from behind the desk, unable to make it to her in time before her body landed with a loud thud on the floor. I kneeled down by her side.

“Oh, God,” Amadeus mumbled in Ace’s chokehold. “Oh… God… What have I done? I didn’t mean to…”

With a quick scan over Celeste, I knew this wasn’t good. Her blood was pouring out of her stomach, and she was fading out quickly. I cradled her head as she lay on the floor, her arms and legs sprawled out in different directions. She blinked at me slowly, but it was enough for me to know she was still somewhat conscious.

Not a single bone in my body was hesitant as I pulled my gun out from my waistband, aimed it at Amadeus’ forehead, and shot him. The bullet went clean through his skull, immediately killing him. Brain splatter and fresh blood lined the wall next to Ace, who only slightly winced at the loud crack of the gun.

Ace released Amadeus, who laid limp on the floor. I placed my gun back in my waistband.

“Celeste,” I said, turning back to her. “Celeste, baby, I need you to focus on me.”

Her lips began to pale, and her body was weakening. Her eyelids started to move slower, and her blinks were growing heavier as her vision began losing focus. I pressed a gentle hand to the wound in her stomach, careful to keep the knife in its place. Within seconds, my entire hand was saturated in thick, heavy blood.

“Call Doctor Paulson,” I commanded Ace. “Get him in here,now.And get Father Nicholas.”

A light groan slipped from Celeste’s colorless lips.

“Caius…” Ace began hesitantly.

“Now,”I roared in return.

I could see Ace shake his head from the corner of my eye.“Caius.”

I tore my gaze away from Celeste to look at Ace, who remained sitting on the floor beside me. His eyes were full of sorrow, a look that I knew I could not accept.

“By the time they get here…”

“No,”I shook my head again, my soul in complete denial, and returned my focus to Celeste. “No. You have to stay. Come on, baby.Stay.”

With one hand still cradling the base of her skull, my other hand slipped between her shoulder blades. I lifted her up, careful not to add more pressure to her wound, letting her dark hair fall over my arms.

Bile began to rise in my throat when I realized that Ace was right. He would have to leave the property and drive until his phone got service. That in itself takes longer than it should.

There’s no way help would come in time.

I could feel my chest begin to shatter.

“Keep me,” Celeste whispered with all the breath left in her lungs.

“No, Celeste. You’re going to be fine. You’re not going anywhere.”

My words deceived me as I was unable to believe my own lies. Based on the amount of blood at my knees and her slowing pulse, I knew my words to her were hollow. And as much as I wanted to deny it, I knew I only had so much time to make a decision.

She wanted me to keep her here.

I would do anything to honor her request. But I know if I don’t listen to her, she will go somewhere better than here. She will be happy in her own Paradise, away from here.

But fuck, the selfish side wants her with me.

