Page 204 of Wanted By a King

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“Gray?” I ask, hope bleeding into my tone. “Oh, hi.” I don’t mean to sound as disappointed as I do when I realize it isn’t him.

“Sorry, Zo. It’s just me.” She gestures awkwardly at herself. “I just got word that there’s been an attack. And… it’s… it’s bad, Z. Really fucking bad.”

As I jump to my feet, it feels like my heart is in my throat. Rushing to her, I take her hands into mine. “What happened?” I demand. “Is Gray okay?”

Rhiannon shakes her head. “N-no, I don’t think so. He got shot, and…”

“Where is he?” I almost scream.

I rip my hands from hers and ball them into fists. She’s taking for goddamn-ever to answer me, and it’s killing me not to know what happened.

“He’s in the hospital,” she sobs.

I reach out, placing my hand on the wall as those five words make my world spin on its axis. My legs feel unsteady, like they’re about to give out on me.

“W-what?” I whisper. “How’s that—”

“There isn’t much time, Zo. I need to get you to the hospital now.”

Without a word, I follow her into the main room that’s completely empty. As I look around, Rhiannon notices, and while we walk out of the main entrance, she explains that the others are already on their way.

“What about Cain? And the Diamonds?” I ask.

I get that the Cruz Cunts have already left. That doesn’t explain why the area is emptier than I’ve seen in the few days we’ve been here. There always seems to be one or two Diamonds around doing one thing or another.

“Cain sent the Diamonds home,” Rhiannon easily explains. “He’s worried it isn’t safe here.” I nod because that makes sense since they’re not fighters.

“So where is he?”

Rhiannon looks at me over her shoulder. With a sigh, she waves me forward, and it’s only now I realize I’ve stopped moving.

“He wanted to do a sweep outside to make sure no one’s waiting to ambush us. But he’ll meet us at the car.”

It all makes sense, there’s nothing off about Rhiannon’s answers. So why does it feel… wrong? As I swallow, I remember Gray’s words.

“Stay here. Stay safe. Do not go outside. Not for anything. Understand?”

Well, my promise doesn’t extend to this situation. Wrong or not, I’m not staying behind while everyone else goes to the hospital.

“I wonder why Alana didn’t tell me,” I mutter to myself.

Rhiannon doesn’t need to answer me, I already know why. If Gray’s injured, Slasher probably is as well, and I can’t fault her for rushing to be at his side. It’s exactly what I’m doing right now.

As soon as we’re outside, Rhiannon pulls me around the corner to where the Cruz Cunts’ car is now parked. I’m surprised to see the small car since I thought they drove the van here, but what the hell do I know. It’s also not important.

“Where is he?” I hiss when Cain is nowhere to be seen. “Didn’t you just say he’d meet us here?”

Rhiannon nods. “That’s what he said.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and exhale audibly. Fucking hell, this isn’t the time for one of his fucking weird-logic stunts. He promised me he’d have Gray’s back, yet he stayed back. Yeah, I know he isn’t a King so he couldn’t go with them when they attacked the Reapers. Not that logic is stopping me from being angry at him.

“Maybe he… I don’t know, Zo,” Rhiannon mutters, uncertainty sweeps over her face as she, too, looks around. “But I think we should wait for him.”

“Absolutely not,” I hiss. Then I yank open the car door and get into the passenger seat. “I’m not fucking standing around here while he chases his own fucking shadow, or whatever antic he’s up to.”

When she tries to argue, I shoot her a death glare, making it clear I’ll leave on my own if I fucking have to. I don’t want to waste what could be the last seconds of Gray’s life waiting around.

“Fine,” she relents.
