Page 205 of Wanted By a King

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As soon as she’s in the car, Rhiannon pulls the keys from the glove compartment and starts the car. She reverses down the one-way street with ease, and as soon as we’re on the main road, she picks up speed.

“Can we hurry up?” I spit, impatiently.

She’s going well over the speed limit, but it still feels like we’re barely moving at all. With a toothy smile, she changes gears and puts the pedal to the metal. We speed through the streets until we reach the area of the hospital.

“Hey!” I exclaim, craning my neck as she bypasses the turnoff we needed. “Where the hell are you going? The hospital is that way.” I jerk my thumb over my shoulder, indicating the turn we should have taken.

Rhiannon grips the steering wheel harder. “You don’t honestly think they’re at the hospital, do you?” she sneers.

“B-but you said—”

“I fucking know what I said,” she explodes. “But you’re so fucking clueless I had to put it into terms you’d understand.”

I’m so taken aback by her outburst that I can only watch in horror as she takes us down the wrong ramp to the freeway.

“If I’d started explaining about their private doc, you would have asked more questions and wasted more time. So yes, I fucking lied. What are you going to do about it, Princess?”

Okay, that I get. But I don’t understand why she’s so angry with me, or why she’s shaking so hard the car veers to the left, almost hitting an oncoming car.

“Watch out!” I scream.

Rhiannon narrowly misses the car, but doesn’t slow down.

Before I can ask her why she took us down the wrong ramp, the night fills with the roar of multiple bikes. Within seconds, they’re closing in on us, flanking us.

I turn around, trying to look out the window. But the headlights from the bikes blind me, making it impossible to see who’s following us.

Nausea causes my stomach to roil as I finally put two and fucking two together. I know deep in my gut that it isn’t Kings following us, which can only mean one thing. It’s Reapers.

“We have to get out of here,” I cry out. “Can you go faster?”

Rhiannon doesn’t answer me, only keeps staring ahead. She doesn’t move at all until we get to an exit that she takes, ignoring the cars trying to get onto the highway.

Although the rumbling engines follow us, I keep looking around, hoping they’re going to turn around. I keep telling myself that it might be a coincidence that they’re here, but the longer they follow us, the harder it becomes to cling to the lie.

I scream for Rhiannon to tell me what’s going on, and she keeps ignoring me. We’re still speeding, which makes it impossible for me to get away, so all I can do is sit here with my mind reeling.

After a few turns, Rhiannon finally slows down. I open my mouth, ready to demand answers, when she pulls a gun from inside her hoodie.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up,” she screeches. I gasp when she turns her head to look at me, her features are completely distorted in what I can only describe as anger and hatred. “This is all your fault.”

“W-what is?”

As the car suddenly swerves violently, Rhiannon doesn’t get the chance to answer me. She drops the gun and holds her hands out as she’s jerked forward. With a scream lodged in my throat, I instinctively wrap my arms around my head just seconds before I bounce against the passenger-side door.

Before I know what’s happening, the car moves again, and nausea hits as we’re flipped onto the side. Glass rains down around us, the sound mixing with Rhiannon’s desperate screams.

“I did what you fucking wanted.”

When we finally stop moving, I feel a hand wrap around my arm. I scream and try to kick as I’m unceremoniously pulled from the vehicle. My meek attempts don’t help, only make the callous hand clamp harder around my skin.

“Let me go!” I scream as I try to kick him again.

I’m barely aware of Rhiannon’s cries, and I don’t look in her direction until I’m dropped onto the asphalt. I cry out as shards of glass dig into my thighs.

“What the hell did you do?” I demand as I look over at Rhiannon who’s being held up by a guy who’s so big he could be mistaken for being half giant. “What the fuck have I ever done to you?”

I don’t need to look around to know we’re surrounded by Reapers, just as I don’t need to think hard to know she’s fucking played me. Yeah, I might be slow, and beyond stupid for trusting her, but now I’m fucking pissed.
