Page 44 of Wanted By a King

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“Careful, mama’s boy,” I hiss, moving my foot so it’s hovering just above his crotch. “Your face is already messed up, don’t make it worse.”

When he spits blood in my direction, I laugh coldly. “Remember when you told me that it made you insecure that you couldn’t make me come? And all that time you spent with your head between my legs? The night you wanted to prove your manly prowess, or whatever, and wouldn’t stop until you made me come?”

Grayson growls, and Adam whimpers. Pathetic piece of shit. I can’t believe I ever let him touch me, let alone gave him my virginity.

“You never could do it,” I taunt. “But Grayson can. He’s made me come so hard I almost blacked out. So what does that say about you?”

The anger coursing through my veins is making my hands shake. I want to lash out at Adam, make him sorry he ever laid eyes on me. It’s not lost on me that I’m defending Grayson in the same breath, but right now, he deserves it.

“That’s enough, Princess,” Grayson says sternly. “I don’t want to hear about this pimply prick touching you. You’ve made your point.”

His words break through my anger, and as soon as it recedes, I feel mortified about my behavior. What the hell was I thinking? This is not me, at least not anymore.

I might have been willing to take people down for personal gain at school, but I turned a corner last year. And I promised myself and mom that I’d never do anything like this again. Now, I’ve broken that promise.

“Walk the fuck away while you still can,” Grayson threatens. “And if I ever hear you or anyone else say a single bad word about her, it’ll be the last fucking thing you do. You got that?”

Adam nods.

“Answer me,” Grayson growls. “Say you fucking understand.”

“I-I understand.”

Grayson nods. “Now apologize to her.”

“I’m sorry, Zoe.” Anger laces Adam’s tone, and despite my better judgment, I feel sorry for him.

“So am I, Adam,” I whisper. “I’m so sorry you came across me here.”

Adam might be a jerk, but no one deserves to be accosted when they’re going to visit a dead loved one. Wait a second, the last I knew, Adam didn’t have any dead loved ones. So what the hell is he doing here?

I look down at the grass, trying to work out why the fuck he’s here. That’s when I see it, his phone and wallet lying where he fell. Something is sticking out of the wallet, something that looks like… oh God, is that?

“G-Grayson.” My voice wavers as I say his name.

Before I can tell him to look at the wallet, Adam lunges for it, making me stumble in surprise. Despite the shock, I don’t move out of his way. This is a guy I know. He might be a dick, but he isn’t a threat.

I don’t realize how wrong I am until I’m lying on my back, staring up and into Adam’s face that’s a mask of pure anger.

“W-what the hell?” I sputter, confused about how I ended up on my back in the dirt.

“You stupid fucking cunt,” Adam spits. “You’ve ruined everything. Because of you, they have—”

He doesn’t have the chance to say anything else before Grayson lifts him off me with a roar, and throws him to the side like he’s nothing more but a sack of potatoes.

“What did I just say?” he shouts. “Do. Not. Touch. What. Is. Mine.”

Rage twists his normally handsome features. His eyes are as dark as night, and his hands are balled into shaking fists.

“And don’t ever fucking hurt her again.”

Hurt me? Adam didn’t hurt me.

Just as the thought hits me, my head starts throbbing, and as I look down my body, I notice a bruise that’s already beginning to form on my calf. Did the motherfucker trip me?

“What are you going to do about it?” Adam taunts. “I’m not fucking scared of you."

Grayson laughs wryly. “Oh, no?” he volleys, arching an eyebrow as he stares down at the blond athlete at his feet. “Then why are you quivering like a fucking virgin on prom night?”
